On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 6:05 PM, Michael Biebl <bi...@debian.org> wrote:

> a/ Add support for DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=N"?
> By default ninja runs N jobs in parallel, where N is derived
> from the number of CPUs.
> Should this be only done for the build step or install and test as well?
> In the latter case, the code to run buildcmd should be factored out.
> Or do we just keep ninja's default behaviour and don't bother setting -j
> manually.

'ninja install' only invokes Meson's internal installer program. It
always runs single threaded.

'ninja test' invokes Meson's test runner. By default it uses N
processes to run tests where N is the number of processors. This can
be overridden with the environment variable MESON_TESTTHREADS.

> In theory, meson does support cross building
> https://github.com/mesonbuild/meson/wiki/Cross-compilation
> I personally do not have experience with it though. So I would need help
> with implementing that or leave that to someone else. I wouldn't make
> this a blocker though, for merging meson/ninja support.

For cross compilation Meson requires a "cross file" describing the
toolchain and environment to use. These should probably be provided by
the dh_meson package (you need one per target platform). After that
cross compilation is just a matter of adding

I'm not sure how Debian's cross environment works in detail, but Meson
expects to also find the native compiler. If /usr/bin/cc (et al)
points to the native compiler then everything is fine, otherwise the
build runner needs to set CC, CXX et al.

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