Actually the issue has greatly reduced w/ kwin 5.8.4 from what it was in

Now if you disable the experimental "allow apps to disable compositing"
feature, and set the "keep window thumbnails" to always in the compositor
settings then the issue disappears. I think it should be the default.

2017-03-24 14:36 GMT+01:00 Maximiliano Curia <>:

> Control: tag -1 + confirm
> Control: found -1 4:5.8.5-2
> Control: notfound -1 4:5.8.6-1
> ¡Hola!
> El 2017-02-10 a las 13:23 +0100, Julien Aubin escribió:
>> I could test on a computer without nvidia hardware and issue does not
>> appear.
> So this is related to a combination kwin + nvidia.
> I could reproduce this issue in 4:5.8.5-2 in my laptop using optimus and
> bumblebee's optirun. And so far I haven't being able to reproduce the issue
> while testing 4:5.8.6-1 that I'm preparing for stretch. So, hopefully, this
> might be fixed soon.
> I'm not completely sure about this as I don't see any specific commits in
> the 5.8.6 release that would directly affect this.
> Happy hacking,
> --
> "Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place.
> Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are–by
> definition–not smart enough to debug it."
> -- Brian Kernighan
> Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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