[2017-03-28 10:41] Andras Korn <korn-debb...@elan.rulez.org>
> > > I'm using socklog and svlogd to manage logs coming in from several boxes 
> > > via
> > > UDP.
> > >
> > > Configuration would be a lot easier if I could have a "hierarchical"
> > > setup where I have a directory tree for each syslog client and can select
> > > only lines coming from that client in the root of that tree.
> > >
> > > For example, assuming I have box1 at and box2 at, I'd like
> > > to be able to have the following directory tree:
> > > [...]
> >
> > Unless I am very wrong, it belongs to socklog, not runit.
> I'm afraid you _are_ wrong -- the request is for new functionality in svlogd
> (which is part of the runit package), not socklog.

Then I am not sure I properly understand your wishes (sorry, I use
neither socklog, nor sending logs over UDP). Glance over svlogd(8)
revealed following:

              tells svlogd to prefix each line to be written to the
              log directory, to standard error, or through UDP, with

Isn't it enough to provide sufficent meta-information to be handled on
accepting side?

> I don't want to mess with the bugtracker; please reassign it back.

I did no reassignment, this bug is still on runit.

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