
  * I notice in this bug that the version of TECkit is mentioned is
    2.5.4~svn140+ds2-1. The most recent release of TECkit is 2.5.6,
    which is related to the next point.
  * Given that there is a string 'svn' in the version number I am
    guessing the TECkit sources are taken from an old location running
    SVN, the the new source repo is now on GitHub at
  * The Debian packaging present in the GitHub repo has a diversion so
    TECkit will coexist with TeX Live. I used this packing to upload an
    Ubuntu package to SIL's own package repo at
  * It seems to me that ideally TeX Live can be repackaged to depend on
    a TECkit package, thus eliminating the need for a diversion.

Bobby de Vos

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