I'm sorry. I read the subjects on the bugtracker, but i didn't read all bugreports completely.

Now i found in 826331 <https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=826331> an issue (options parsing bug) with SVfilePatternEx that matches my report and seem to be solved already.

I went through the suggested solution and installed my first backport:

Package: apt-cacher-ng
Version: 2-1~bpo8+1
Installed-Size: 1.625 kB

As far as i see the help message isn't up to date or the "-p" is still part of an option parsing bug?

root@aog:~/acng.bug# apt-cacher-ng -p -c /etc/apt-cacher-ng debug=1
WARNING: No configuration was read from file:sfnet_mirrors
Not a valid configuration directive: -p
Usage: apt-cacher-ng [options] [ -c configdir ] <var=value ...>

-h: this help message
-c: configuration directory
-e: on startup, run expiration once
-p: print configuration and exit
-i: ignore configuration loading errors

The warning is explained in the config.
-p does not work.

To see the actual config i used "/usr/lib/apt-cacher-ng/acngtool cfgdump"

root@aog:~/acng.bug# /usr/lib/apt-cacher-ng/acngtool cfgdump | grep filePatt
VfilePatternEx = debug.stagefour
PfilePatternEx =
WfilePatternEx =
SPfilePatternEx = debug.stagefive
SVfilePatternEx =

My inital bugreport is closed by that, i can continue and verify the running config of SPfilePatternEx now.
Yeah, the PatternEx settings are now visible in the acng-report.html too.
(Ups, by the way, the acng-report.html shows only three of five PatternEx variables.)

I would like to keep the documentation part of my report still up.

A newbie like mine relies on the output of programms. It's very confusing that the examples (-p) don't work.

Anyhow i like acng for saving the repo servers a lot of bandwidth and speeding up my small bandwidth to disk i/o.
Thanks a lot!

Bernd Roth

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