Control: found 859884 0.9.1-1
Control: notfound 859884 0.9.1+git20170403
Control: severity 859884 serious

On Sat, 08 Apr 2017 at 22:52:38 +0800, Sebastian Rasmussen wrote:
> Error: Can't spawn rofiles-fuseFailed to execute child process
> "rofiles-fuse" (No such file or directory)
> This leads me to believe that flatpak ought to depend on
> ostree to make rofiles-fuse available.

Thanks, you are correct. More specifically, flatpak-builder needs to
depend on ostree (git grep says all the mentions of rofiles-fuse
are in the builder/ directory, which gets compiled into flatpak-builder).

Using rofiles-fuse was a new thing in 0.9.1, so testing and unstable
are not affected by this bug.

0.9.2 is now available, so I'll fix this bug when I upload 0.9.2-1.

> Version: 0.9.1+git20170403

When opening Debian bugs please quote the full version number of the
affected package, including the Debian revision (in your case this
would be "0.9.1+git20170403.1-2"), or use the reportbug(1) tool which
provides a lot of useful information automatically. Otherwise the
bug tracking system gets confused about which versions do and don't
have a particular bug.

> After checking that the dependencies would be fulfilled I installed:

It isn't directly related to this bug, but downloading and installing .deb
files by hand doesn't authenticate the contents, so it's a significant
security risk. If you want to use packages from the experimental suite,
you should add it to your sources.list, then use apt-get command-line
options, apt pinning, or the interactive UI in aptitude to install
packages of interest.

experimental has some default apt pinning such that packages aren't
installed unless you specifically ask for them, so just adding
experimental to your apt sources won't upgrade everything to
experimental (which would be a bad idea, and should be avoided).

For more information see: <>


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