Sam Hartman <> writes:

> It's almost certainly impossible to get 1.15.1 into a point release of
> stretch.

That's also my guess.

> When you filed this bug as normal rather than important, I assumed you
> were saying that when you considered the severity it really met the
> criteria for important severity.
> I was on the fence about the issue, and decided to take your lead.
> Without real users actually claiming the issue met the criteria for
> important, I wasn't going to push for it or do the work to prepare a fix
> for stretch.

That's fine for me.  It only manifests for OTP users which seems to be
new and until now not often used.

> So, how big of a deal is this for you and your organization?  How easy
> is the work around of not relying on DNS to deploy?

Not a really big deal. I've prepared a local package and will deploy it
to the debian servers I have.  Ubuntu (LTS) is used on the
Laptops/Workstation, but I'll walk the same path when needed.  We talk
about 12-15 machine - so no big deal.


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