hi christian, ryan,

On Mon, Feb 06, 2006 at 07:27:11PM -0600, Ryan Underwood wrote:
> I'm not sure.  I'm having this problem where we use cron-apt for
> security upgrades, and whenever dpkg wants to ask the question "This
> config file has been modified, want to overwrite or leave it alone", it
> aborts the upgrade since no tty is available, and leaves the server
> stopped.
> All I had been changing in my.cnf was removing skip-networking, and
> later changing bind-address from to  I admit that
> this hasn't happened for a while, but I only revisited this because I
> found that mysql was stopped on that machine due to this happening
> several months ago during a security upgrade.
> Does this make sense?

yes... but if i understand correctly then the problem is not with mysql
but instead with your system for applying upgrades.  for example, if
we were to create an /etc/default/mysql with the options you request,
and you change them, then we at a later point change the defaults in
the file, you'll have the same problem as before.

instead, you should possibly file a bug against cron-apt, or
maybe apt/dpkg if there is not a way to do what you want.



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