> I mean, there are (somewhat) good reasons why OnionShare needs to use
> an instance of Tor on which it has full control, hence the dependency
> on torbrowser-launcher (until that's fixed thanks to onion-grater :)

If by "good reasons" you mean "OnionShare also is a Tor controller so it can 
mess/attack/whatever up the tor instance it controls, so let that not be the 
system-wide instance", then...

> But AFAIK it's not the case for TorBirdy

... indeed, TorBirdy is not a controller (it only needs a tor SocksPort), so...

> that can very well work out
> of the box with the current "Depends: tor" as long as the SOCKS port
> is correctly set

... TorBirdy should "Depends: tor" and remain configured to use SOCKS port 
9050. I see no improvement with "Depends: torbrowser-launcher", only 
(significant) drawbacks.


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