24.04.2017 19:26, anonym wrote:
>> I tried to reproduce this, but can not. What's needed to reproduce it?
> Sorry for the complicated reproducer, but here goes:
> 1. Download the latest Tails ISO image from: 
> http://dl.amnesia.boum.org/tails/stable/
> 2. Boot the Tails ISO image in a VM that has the nec-xhci USB controller
> 3. At the GDM greeter, configure an administration password (useful for 
> gathering debug info not accessible by the default user)
> 4. Attach a virtual USB drive of at least 4 GB capacity through nec-xhci
> 5. Start Tails Installer via the GNOME Applications menu -> Tails -> Tails 
> Installer
> 6. Install Tails to the USB drive
> You'll notice that the installation never finishes, and you'll see the error 
> reported above via `sudo journalctl`.

The installation goes on just fine here. Installer creates a FAT32 filesystem
on the usb "stick", copies files there. After reboot the system boots fine
from the usb "stick".

Size of the hdd image which I used is 6Gb.

Here's the qemu commands I used:

qemu-img create foo 6G
qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 1G -cdrom tails-i386-2.12.iso \
 -device nec-usb-xhci,id=xhci \
 -drive file=foo,format=raw,id=foo,if=none \
 -device usb-storage,bus=xhci.0,drive=foo

What I'm doing wrong? :)



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