Le 26/04/17 à 17:26, Thomas Goirand a écrit :
On 04/26/2017 02:44 PM, Laurent Bigonville wrote:
Le 26/04/17 à 14:32, Laurent Bigonville a écrit :

I actually tested with After=network.target and it seems it's not
enough, I still get the same error/warning.

After/Wants=network-online.target seems needed instead so the
interfaces are fully up.

FTR this seems needed because when setting "-i", the multicast
group will be subscribed on the interface with the default route. The
default route is only set when the network-online target has been reached.



I have uploaded version -4 to Sid, and ask the release team for an
unblock. Let's hope it will be accepted. Thanks a lot for your very
useful bug report.
After= is not enough, you also need Wants=network-online.target

network-online.target is not pulled by default in the dependency chain

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