Hello Nicholas,

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 09:22:23PM -0400, Nicholas Steeves wrote:
> The questions we need help with are at 2. and especially 4.

Okay -- I'll answer those.

> >  2. that version patch - really necessary? if upstream screwed up their
> >     versioning, it's kind of their problem no? since it's just a
> >     cosmetic change, I would avoid it, personnally.
> Is it just a cosmetic change?

Nicholas is right.  It's not just a cosmetic change.  It's important
that ELPA package versions match Debian package versions.

In addition to enabling users to mix package.el packages and Debian
elpa-* packages, it ensures that Emacs has the right information to tell
whether versioned ELPA dependencies are satisfied.  Otherwise it can
refuse to load packages/try to download new versions from MELPA.

> >  4. picking a random elpa package (elpa-helm), i notice it depends on
> >     "emacs" while yours depend on "emacs-common" - why? and why the
> >     versioned dependencies?
> >
> >     
> > https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-emacsen/pkg/helm.git/tree/debian/control
> My best guess is it's the difference between a package converted to
> elpa vs a package created with dh-make-elpa, and I Sean has reasons
> for generating versioned dependencies by default.  This is actually
> one of the reasons I was paranoid about 2. ;-)

That's a bug in elpa-helm.  It should be emacsen-common.  See the Debian
Emacs policy.

Sean Whitton

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