Hello Stephan,

On 04/24/2017 03:35 AM, Stephan Seitz wrote:
On Fr, Apr 21, 2017 at 01:07:12 -0700, Jeroen van Aart wrote:
I believe the feature you requested already is present, more or less.
If you right click on the plugin you will find menu options to display
earthquakes of the last hour, day and week.

Yes, more less than more, I’m afraid. This will open a new window and,
as far as I can see, the content will not automatically refresh.

If you mean a (configurable) history in the panel itself. I believe

Yes, that’s what I mean.

that may fall out of the scope of a simple panel plugin. It would make
the plugin more complex than necessary or desired.

I’m not sure why you think this feature would be out of the scope of a
panel plugin.
There are other panel plugins like the weather plugin that are more
complicated (at least I think so).

I see what you mean, the weather plugin has an animated feature which shows various lines of weather related info successively which animate in and out of view. That may have some merit and could be a nice improvement. This request would be more appropriate for a feature request upstream (which is me as well).

There are a couple of other feature requests for a new release and I will add this one as well. If and when it gets incorporated it will not be part of the upcoming debian stable release since it is currently frozen.

Thank you,

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