Control: tags -1 patch


I investigated this a bit by comparing in gdb a good version of limereg
compiled without -Ofast and -fstack-protector and the original version.

It looks like this was just an uninitialized variable in
test_searchSubimage.c. Applying the attached patch fixes this issue for
me on mipsel.

--- a/tests/test_searchSubimage.c
+++ b/tests/test_searchSubimage.c
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ bool test_searchSubimage()
 	const unsigned int skipLvl=2;
 	struct Limereg_AdvancedRegControl advancedRegControl;
 	advancedRegControl.maxIterations = 50;
+	advancedRegControl.stopSensitivity = 0;
 	advancedRegControl.pyramidLevelCount = pyramidLvl;
 	advancedRegControl.skipFineLevelCount = skipLvl;
 	advancedRegControl.startParameters = &startParams;

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