Am Montag, 1. Mai 2017, 14:53:49 schrieb Charles Plessy:


> At this point I see 3 options:
>  - For each rebuild, insert a "Breaks" relationship in r-base's control
> file;

This is the solution favoured by me as the maintainer of the backports on CRAN 
(I know, this is the Debian BTS, but nonetheless), as it would just cause 
rebuilds/reinstalls of the packages really affected, assuming that we manage to 
have a versioned Breaks relationship for those packages (e.g. r-cran-spatial 
<= xy).

>  - Increment r-api-3 to r-api-4 (or r-api-3.4, etc.) in order to not have to
> maintain a long list of "Breaks" declarations.  In that case, we have to
> rebuild everything.

Would be OK for me, but seems to cause a lot of work for r-cran-* and r-bioc* 

>  - Just rebuild what has to be rebuilt, and do not support partial upgrades,
> which is what has been done until now.

In this case, I would create a new repository on CRAN (again, I know that this 
is not really Debians business), so people would consciously install R 3.4.0 
and not be surprised by packages suddenly failing to find their objects.
> Not supporting partial upgrades puts the maintainers of the r-cran and
> r-bioc packages between the hammer and the anvil.

I do not understand this sentence.

> This said, I think that
> we have made constant progresses over the years, so I do not feel shy
> saying "not yet" to the Release team again if needed.

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