On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 04:44:07PM +0300, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 04:08:04PM +0200, Daniel Baumann wrote:
> >...
> > Can anybody have a look at this why it's failing? Bug with references is
> > #859912
> >...
> Your package shouldn't exist, this is the main problem here.

I won't say I disagree with this, but...

> And the potential breakage is not limited to buildds.
> Package: open-infrastructure-locales-c.utf-8
> Provides: locales, locales-all, locales-c.utf-8
> Your package claims to provide locales-all without actually providing it.
> This is a bug in your package.
> If I have open-infrastructure-locales-c.utf-8 already installed and then 
> install something that depends on locales-all, your broken package would
> fulfill the dependency causing locales-all not getting installed.

See https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=859912#48

Disregarding the existence of open-infrastructure-locales-c.utf-8, we
do have a problem if people can't reproduce buildds failures outside of

I'm not a sbuild user, but pbuilder doesn't end up installing that
package. According to Daniel's message, it's not happening with sbuild
either. So what the hell?

> >...
> > For the rational why o-i-locales-c.utf-8 is usefull, see its manpage:
> > 
> > https://manpages.debian.org/unstable/open-infrastructure-locales-c.utf-8/locales-c.utf-8.7.en.html#Use_Case
> >...
> The rationale in the manpage is nonsense.

To me, it's all a long text just trying to say without really saying it
that the sole purpose is to reduce disk space. IOW, this could be
fulfilled by use of dpkg's path-exclude.


I'm all for open-infrastructure-locales-c.utf-8 being removed from the
archive because it's a broken package that does nothing useful, but I
still think we have a problem at hand when we can't reproduce what
buildds are doing (and they're doing something weird).


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