Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: wishlist

  Dear mentors,

  I am looking for a sponsor for my package "slick-greeter"

 * Package name    : slick-greeter
   Version         : 1.0.3-1
   Upstream Author :  Clement Lefebvre <>
 * URL             :
 * License         : GPL-3+
   Section         : x11

  It builds those binary packages:

    slick-greeter - Slick-looking LightDM greeter

  To access further information about this package, please visit the
following URL:

  Alternatively, one can download the package with dget using this command:

    dget -x


 Slick-Greeter has been created by Linux Mint as their primary LightDM
greeter for their distro.  It is being promoted as a distro-agnostic
greeter.  I am aware it is available in several non-Debian based
Given the limited number of LightDM based greeters available in Debian
I believe this is a good complement for Debian with a long-term
upstream viability.

Packaging issues.

Linux Mint do not PGP sign their packages.  The upstream tarball
contains their Debian package specific to their Distro. I asked the
question whether they would separate distro specific packaging from
the source but this was declined

As such to build this package I am prepared to maintain the Debian
package under our distro GithHub organisation Ubuntu Budgie

To build this I have had to-do the following:
uscan to autodownload the upstream tarball via the debian/watch in
this Debian package
Unpack the published upstream tarball.
Remove the upstream Debian folder and its contents
Copy back from the published UbuntuBudgie slick-greeter debian branch
the Debian package.

This Debian package contains one patch - this is to replace the
upstream specific font dependency with what I consider a good font
available in Debian and all Debian based distros (font-cantarell)

I'm aware of the release state of Stretch; this package is therefore
not appropriate for Stretch.

Please let me know if experimental is perhaps more appropriate than
unstable given the status of Stretch.

I can confirm that the necessary build dependency differences between
Ubuntu and Debian have been met here i.e. builds successfully both on
Debian and Ubuntu without needing separate distro packages.

Have run check-all-the-things on the source and adjusted the
debian/copyright accordingly.  Doesnt appear to be any other changes
required as a result of the check-all-the-things output.

Also ran lintian -i -I on the built changes and this returned no issues.

  Changes since the last upload:

   * Initial release. (Closes: #862934)

   David Mohammed

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