On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 03:21:27PM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> [Wolfgang Schweer]
> > IIRC the Kerberos setup is done during the first pass (and the 
> > /etc/krb5.conf file is chmoded during secondpass) of the 
> > cfengine-debian-edu run when finish-install is executed at the end of 
> > the installation process. So even secondpass should be ok; I've chosen 
> > fifthpass to be on the safe side. Petter will definitly know if this 
> > would be working…
> Sound like it should work, but I have not followed the issue and not not
> have time to investigate now.

I've just tested the changed cf.exim file once again on a recent main 
Works like expected when running 'cfengine-debian-edu -D installation'. 
I expect it to work if called by finish-install. So even if against all 
expectations it fails to configure exim4 correctly, it isn't supposed to 
break the installation.


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