On Thu, 04 May 2017 at 22:16:32 +0200, Daniel Reichelt wrote:
> unarchive 779556
> reopen 779556
> found  779556 1.0.28-1

If you want your comments on a bug to be sent to the maintainer and
recorded in the bug's web-visible record, please send your message to the
bug address (in this case 684691@) and not just the special control@
address. In particular, when reopening a bug please send the justification
for reopening to the bug address.

Quoting all relevant text below for reference.

> /.config/pulse still is getting created when /etc/init.d/alsa-utils runs
> on boot.
> I'm using sysvinit instead of systemd.

The bug is now probably specific to non-systemd init systems (which might
reduce its practical severity to non-release-critical for stretch, I don't
know) since ALSA state is handled rather differently under systemd.

> Tracing the init script and the included utils.sh showed, that any call
> to aumix somehow triggers pulseaudio as well which - due to HOME not
> being set - leads to /.config/pulse being created. The top of the call
> chain of aumix is the init script's call to sanify_levels().

It looks as though the instances of the root cause of this bug bug involving
alsactl invocations have been solved, but those involving aumix invocations
have not. Does that seem a correct summary to you?

> Why was this previously fixed by prepending HOME=$ALSACTLHOME to only
> some commands instead of just exporting HOME?

I have no answer for this, but hopefully the alsa-utils maintainers do?


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