Hi Daniel,

Daniel Gnoutcheff wrote:
> /usr/share/xen-tools/common/50-setup-hostname-deb is supposed to reload
> dnsmasq (if installed and running) after adding a line to /etc/hosts.
> However, this does not happen on my stretch system, and dnsmasq doesn't
> pick up these entries until I reload it manually.
> I suspect this is because setup-hostname-deb hardcodes the wrong pidfile
> path:
> > if [ -e /var/run/dnsmasq.pid ]; then
> > 
> >     logMessage Allowing DNSMasq to restart.
> >     kill -s HUP `cat /var/run/dnsmasq.pid`
> > fi
> The correct path seems to be /run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid.

Thanks for the bug report.

Since these snippets should be rather generic I wonder if should be
replaced with something like this:

for pidfile in {,/var}/run/{,dnsmasq/}dnsmasq.pid; do
    if [ -e $pidfile ]; then
        logMessage Trying to restart DNSMasq via $pidfile.
        kill -s HUP `cat $pidfile`

(bash-syntax, the final script should be POSIX compatible, hence no
curly brace expansion possible.)

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org>, http://people.debian.org/~abe/
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