I think I've somewhat misunderstood the issue. --export-dynamic
appears to not truly be necessary, and when building from upstream
sources the build now includes a few sample loadable modules.

When building the upstream source (the "master" branch of
https://github.com/att/ast, which is still identified as 93u+
2012-08-01) using its own build script ("bin/package make"), ksh is
not linked with --export-dynamic (I don't quite understand how its
loadable modules work without ksh being linked --export-dynamic), but
it does build the sample loadable modules that are included with the
distribution (including "open.c" which I used as an example in the bug
report) - and that build of Korn Shell will be able to load and run
those modules:

$ ./bin/package make   # And then wait a while for it to build...
$ ./arch/linux.i386-64/bin/ksh --version    # Copy I built from Git
  version         sh (AT&T Research) 93u+ 2012-08-01
$ ./arch/linux.i386-64/bin/ksh
$ builtin -f arch/linux.i386-64/lib/ksh/libopen.so open
$ open   # Runs the builtin from libopen.so
Usage: open [-abcirwx] [-m mode] var file

But loading this module from the version from Debian
(93u+20120801-2+b1) fails:

$ ksh --version   # Installed copy
  version         sh (AT&T Research) 93u+ 2012-08-01
$ ksh
$ builtin -f arch/linux.i386-64/lib/ksh/libopen.so open    #
Loading the libopen.so built from git
builtin: arch/linux.i386-64/lib/ksh/libopen.so: libshell.so: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory

If I download the Debian ksh source package and build it, and try
that, I get a similar failure. I'm not entirely sure why it works on
the one from upstream (with no --export-dynamic) or why it doesn't
work on the packaged one (which describes itself as the same version
from the package...)

So it's hard for me to gauge exactly what's going on here:
- The installed copy of "ksh" is stripped, and stripping "ksh"
apparently makes it incompatible with modules built from a
non-stripped build. (I don't know if stripping ksh makes it
incompatible with modules entirely...)
- I also rebuilt ksh in the Debian package source tree without using
the Debian build rules, yielding an unstripped 93u+ with Debian
patches. This was also incompatible with the loadable module built
from git.
- I attempted to manually build libopen.so in the Debian build tree,
using compile and link commands from another successful build, and
that also didn't work, so I can't determine if the feature really was
broken on that version, and has since been fixed, or if it's just a
build issue.

The upshot is that it's pretty easy to get a working demonstration of
this feature from the upstream copy in git now. I'll see if I can
figure out why it's still not working with the packaged version.

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