On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 01:29:33AM +0200, Jakub Wilk wrote:
> * David Kalnischkies <da...@kalnischkies.de>, 2017-05-28, 10:35:
> > > > Unfortunately, this protection is ineffective. All the attacker
> > > > needs to do to hide security updates is to replace all the files
> > > > from http://security.debian.org/dists/$DIST/updates/ with the
> > > > ones from http://deb.debian.org/debian/dists/$DIST/ .
> > > 
> > > That's easily fixable by enabling key pinning for the security 
> > > repository, see
> > > https://wiki.debian.org/DebianRepository/Format?action=show&redirect=RepositoryFormat#Signed-By
> Interesting. I didn't know about this feature.
> 89901946f936 says "the pinning is in effect as long as the (then old)
> Release file is considered valid". If this is accurate, then the attacker
> could keep serving stale (but still valid) security.d.o/d/jessie/updates
> until the release file expires, then immediately switch to jessie.

The repository can use a different key then, so kinda yes. I picked
reusing Valid-Until over introducing another Date field for the time
being to push a bit for its adoption. Ideally, I would like to introduce
a date before Valid-Until with which the repository can declare "next
update should be" and if that date passed nagg the user about it.  After
all, repositories like sid are updated 4 times a day, but valid for
7 days. A lot of security updates can happen in that timeframe… Of
course, no-push/local mirrors users will complain so that must be
a subtil nagg and easy to extend/disable.

We could go with a date for signed-by alone, but then there is the idea
of making it easier to limit keys to a specific repository and not
having it available for the others (signed-by sources.list option
currently, but instead kinda pre-configured) which kinda obsoletes
signed-by in the Release file anyhow.

> > – but its hard to get right as some changes are legit
> Right. Suite or Codename could naturally change, though not both at the same
> time.

That is actually a change a user should confirm as that comes with
huge changes (usually if you think jessie->stretch for stable) – and
the main reason to check that is actually pinning which tends to work
alot with suite/codenames. Then again, that change is less interesting
for testing, so I guess a user should have the option of saying: For
this repository, I don't care about this change ever. Version is tricky
as that 'liberally' changes and the difference between major/minor is
like always for versions not well defined. For the moment I accept
Version changes with a notice and the others are errors a user must
confirm in some way. I do wonder through if its a good idea to have an
automatic acceptance after X days as errors always carry the risk of
causing the user to be confused and hoping they would disappear on their
own – but then that feels icky and is yet another Valid-Until-esk date.

> > Practically you have some added complications in the attack as
> > files need to go forward in time, so if your user happened to have
> > updated its security data before the Date is likely newer than that of
> > any stable release you can use (that isn't the case for < 1.0 which you
> > were testing, but for >= 1.1).
> Is there a warning if Date goes back in time?

No, this is handled as a not-modified-since, so all you see is a 'Hit'
in the log and no data is pulled. The reason is simply that in a world
of mirror rotations that would generate false-positives too often. So
kind of the same reason why Valid-Until period is so long or why
a "Best-Used-Before" date isn't implemented yet.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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