Package: autofs
Version: 4.1.3+4.1.4beta2-1
Severity: important

Description: The new auto.smb script assumes that all smb mounts do not require a user or password from the following code (-N switch). Is there an easy way of changing it to something like this? I could not get this to work. Thanks.

if [ $key = "some_netbios_name" ]; then
$SMBCLIENT -g -U user%pass -L $key 2>/dev/null| awk -v key="$key" -v opts="$opts" -F'|' -- '


$SMBCLIENT -gNL $key 2>/dev/null| awk -v key="$key" -v opts="$opts" -F'|' -- '
BEGIN { ORS=""; first=1 }
/Disk/ { if (first) { print opts; first=0 }; print " \\\n\t /" $2, "://" key "/" $2 }
END { if (!first) print "\n"; else exit 1 }


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