Control: tag -1 +patch

Hi Salvatore,

On 2017-06-09 20:23, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 09, 2017 at 07:40:18AM +0200, Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
>> There is reported a group crontab to root escalation via the postinst
>> in Debian and Ubuntu, as stated in the oss-security post:
>> Our postinst contains:
>> | # Fixup crontab , directory and files for new group 'crontab'.
>> | # Can't use dpkg-statoverride for this because it doesn't cooperate nicely
>> | # with cron alternatives such as bcron
>> | if [ -d $crondir/crontabs ] ; then
>> |     chown root:crontab $crondir/crontabs
>> |     chmod 1730 $crondir/crontabs
>> |     # This used to be done conditionally. For versions prior to "3.0pl1-81"
>> |     # It has been disabled to suit cron alternative such as bcron.
>> |     cd $crondir/crontabs
>> |     set +e
>> |     ls -1 | xargs -r -n 1 --replace=xxx  chown 'xxx:crontab' 'xxx'
>> |     ls -1 | xargs -r -n 1 chmod 600
>> |     set -e
>> | fi
>> which can be used for group-crontab-to-root escalation of privileges
>> as described by Qualys team in the above reference.
> This has been assigned CVE-2017-9525.

Please find attached a first draft of a (so far only rudimentally
tested) patch for this issue.

I replace the unconditional chown/chgrp of everything under
/var/spool/cron/crontabs with a conditional solution. A file in that
directory must now satisfy the following requirements:
  1. It must be a regular file
  2. It must have a hard link count of exactly 1
  3. It's name must match its owner (the daemon expects this)

We cannot really add a test for the group because the intention is to
change it from whatever it currently is to what we expect.

Adding a test for non-executability is something that could be
considered. We'd have to check interoperability with other cron

Please let me know what you think.


diff --git a/debian/postinst b/debian/postinst
index ac97c9e..edc767f 100644
--- a/debian/postinst
+++ b/debian/postinst
@@ -60,8 +60,32 @@ if [ -d $crondir/crontabs ] ; then
     # It has been disabled to suit cron alternative such as bcron. 
     cd $crondir/crontabs
     set +e
-    ls -1 | xargs -r -n 1 --replace=xxx  chown 'xxx:crontab' 'xxx'
-    ls -1 | xargs -r -n 1 chmod 600
+    # Iterate over each entry in the spool directory, perform some sanity
+    # checks (see CVE-2017-9525), and chown/chgroup the crontabs
+    for tab_name in $crondir/crontabs
+    do
+        tab_type=`stat -c '%F' "$tab_name"`
+        tab_links=`stat -c '%h' "$tab_name"`
+        tab_owner=`stat -c '%U' "$tab_name"`
+        if [ "$tab_type" != "regular file" -a "$tab_type" != "regular empty file" ]
+        then
+            echo "Warning: $tab_name is not a regular file!"
+            continue
+        elif [ "$tab_links" -ne 1 ]
+        then
+            echo "Warning: $tab_name has more than one hard link!"
+            continue
+        elif [ "$tab_name" != "$tab_owner" ]
+        then
+            echo "Warning: $tab_name name differs from owner $tab_owner!"
+            continue
+        fi
+		chown "$tab_owner:crontab" "$tab_name"
+		chmod 600 "$tab_name"
+    done
     set -e

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