clone 864669 -1
reopen -1
found -1 1:5.4.0~beta2-1
retitle -1 missing dependency on 5.4 ure: 
/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/ undefined symbol: 
severity -1 serious


On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 11:01:35PM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 10:55:19PM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> > > crashes with the message:
> > > 
> > >    "/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: symbol lookup error:
> > >    /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/ undefined symbol:
> > >    _ZN8MsLangId13getScriptTypeEN4o3tl10strong_intIt15LanguageTypeTagEE"
> > 
> > # echo 
> > "_ZN8MsLangId13getScriptTypeEN4o3tl10strong_intIt15LanguageTypeTagEE" | 
> > c++filt 
> > MsLangId::getScriptType(o3tl::strong_int<unsigned short, LanguageTypeTag>)
> > 
> > Interestingly, this doesn't appear *anywhere* in LOs source code. (Or
> > I grepped wrong...)
> Nevermind, my terminal fooled me...


MsLangId::getScriptType is in i18nlangtag. 

i18nlangtag moved to ure in 5.3. My first theory was that it was something
to do with that one but you already have ure 5.3.0.

Quick chat with upstream:

23:04 < _rene_> erAck: ping? awake? :)
23:05 -!- Papamatti [~Thunderbi@2a00:c1a0:48c1:5900:3d63:b4bd:fd3e:e65a] has 
joined #libreoffice-dev
23:16 -!- kohei [~kohei@] has joined #libreoffice-dev
23:16 -!- kohei [~kohei@] has quit [Changing host]
23:16 -!- kohei [~kohei@opensuse/member/kohei-yoshida] has joined 
23:17 -!- mode/#libreoffice-dev [+o kohei] by ChanServ
23:18 <@erAck> _rene_: half :P
23:18 <@erAck> gulsahkose: freel free
23:19 < _rene_> I am confused about deb#864669
23:19 < _rene_> the only explanation I have is the i18nlangtag move to ure
23:19 < _rene_> but that happened already in 5.3.
23:19 < _rene_> at least my 5.3.3 has that
23:19 < _rene_> and he has 5.3.0s ure so he should have that
23:20 < _rene_> or did 5.4 get a new/additional signature here?
23:21 < _rene_> doesn't look like, but...
23:22 < _rene_> erAck: any idea what could cause this?
23:22 -!- Papamatti [~Thunderbi@2a00:c1a0:48c1:5900:3d63:b4bd:fd3e:e65a] has 
quit [Quit: Papamatti]
23:24 -!- nzoueidi [~nzoueidi@ubuntu/member/na3il] has joined #libreoffice-dev
23:25 < loircbot> LibreOffice (core) tamas.zolnai * svx/source/ 
(svdraw/svdedxv.cxx table/svdotable.cxx): tdf#108480: Undo from clone formating 
does not remove vertical alignment
23:27 <@erAck> _rene_: would be good to know if the installed 
actually contains 
23:27 < _rene_> it's LO 5.3.0s one, I'd assume so...
23:28 <@erAck> _rene_: well, then.. that's likely the cause
23:28 < _rene_> but 5.3.0 had it already and had it already in ure
23:28 < _rene_> of course, I can (and should) do a stricter depends
23:28 < _rene_> but shouldn't it work with the old ure given it's there
23:28 <@erAck> _rene_: but 5.3 didn't have the strong_int stuff for LanguageType
23:29 < _rene_> ah
23:29 <@erAck> nobody thought of that, me included..
23:29 < _rene_> and I didn't see it because I looked at the function definiton 
and not the definition of LanguageType
23:29 < _rene_> correct? :)
23:29 <@erAck> I mean that it's in ure now
23:30 <@erAck> _rene_: yup, you need to demangle it for the obvious..
23:30 -!- marco_c [] 
has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
23:30 < _rene_> but I did and it pointed to the i18nlangtag thingy :)
23:30 < _rene_> which is the same :)
23:31 < _rene_> or I am even more confused now, but...
23:33 -!- nemeth_ [] has quit [Remote host 
closed the connection]
23:33 < _rene_> ah, wait, same function demangled, different type/different 
LanguageType definition?
23:33 < mst_> forms.OListBoxModel fails for me - did anybody break that?
23:34 <@erAck> mst_: probably me, but where does it fail?
23:34 <@erAck> _rene_: yes, the new one has the o3tl template parameter
23:34 < mst_> forms.OComboBoxModel fails too
23:35 < mst_> Method addPropertyChangeListener() finished with state FAILED
23:35 < _rene_> erAck: I see, thanks

Looks like libreoffice-core needs a Depends: on a 5.4 ure.

And indeed, your attempt on a clean install thus worked as it installed a 5.4 


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