On 08/06/2017 23:53, Axel Beckert wrote:
Hi Sabino,

sab wrote:
   dget -xhttps://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/d/dfc/dfc_3.1.0-1.dsc
Regarding the changelog:

Please remove the following two lines from the changelog. They're no
more relevant since they're superseeded by your package adoption:

   * QA upload.
   * Set Maintainer to Debian QA Group. (See #858664.)

Additionally, it's common practice to leave one space between names
and the brackets as well as one empty line before a new contributor
section starts.

See e.g.
https://packages.qa.debian.org/w/wicd/news/20170528T210438Z.html for
an example. (Ignore the dots which indicate empty lines.)

Regarding your access to the packaging git repository: While all
Debian Developers have collab-maint write access by default, Alioth
guest users (everyone who's not a Debian Project member) don't have
write access.

It was possible to request access for non-members, but I don't know if
that's still wanted, also because Alioth (the system which hosts
Debian's git repos) is about to be replaced, see

So I'm not sure what's the best way to proceed with git write access
for you.

                Regards, Axel
Hi Axel, thanks for reply.

However I committed new package with your suggested changes.

Regardinggit, how can i do to push?Instead to sponsor the package?


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