On 2017年06月16日 12:33, Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) wrote:
> Hi Lumin,
> I've reviewed your package. The package looks quite good to me.
> The only thing missing is the README.source
> https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html#s-readmesource
> The orig.tar.gz seems to be repacked from upstream git repo.
> Please mention the steps on how you create the orig.tar.gz
> Like you git clone it. And re-tar it, exclude some directories like .git.
> Or, provide a way to generate the orig.tar.gz by debian/rules
> get-orig-source
> For example, added these to debian/rules
> DEB_SOURCE := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep Source: | sed -e
> 's/Source: //'
> )
> DEB_VERSION := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | grep Version: | sed -e
> 's/Version: //')
> DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION := $(shell echo $(DEB_VERSION) | sed -e 's/-[^-]*$$//')
> GIT_URL = https://github.com/google/gemmlowp.git
> get-orig-source:
>         set -e; if echo $(DEB_VERSION) | grep -c "git"; \
>         then \
>                 git_version=`echo $(DEB_VERSION) | sed -e
> 's/^.*~\([0-9]*\)*-\(.*\)-.*$$/\2/g'`; \
>         else \
>                 git_version=$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION); \
>         fi; \
>         tmpdir=`mktemp -d -t`; \
>         cd $$tmpdir; \
>         echo "checkout upstream repository ..."; \
>         git clone $(GIT_URL); echo "getting specific upstream
> revision/tag: $$git_version"; \
>         cd `ls | head -n 1`; git checkout -b orig $$git_version; cd ..; \
>         tar --exclude=.git --exclude='*.exe' --exclude='*.jar' -cJvf
> $(CURDIR)/$(DEB_SOURCE)_$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).orig.tar.xz `ls | head
> -n 1`; \
Sorry, please update this line to

tar --exclude=.git --exclude='*.exe' --exclude='*.jar' -czvf
$(CURDIR)/$(DEB_SOURCE)_$(DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION).orig.tar.gz `ls | head
-n 1`; \

because you use .tar.gz

>         cd $(CURDIR); \
>         rm -rf $$tmpdir
> so when developer wants to pack the source tarball from the upstream,
> they can use debian/rules get-orig-source.
> Either one way is ok. After that, I'll sponsor your package.
> BTW,
> I also have projects that needs tensorflow to be packaged into Debian.
> If you have any further tensorflow related packages you can directly
> mail me. Also I'm willing to help packaging those stuff.
> Yours Sincerely,
> Paul

                                PaulLiu (劉穎駿)
E-mail: Ying-Chun Liu (PaulLiu) <paul...@debian.org>

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