On 2017-06-20 12:06 +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:

> severity 865231 wishlist
> tags 865231 wontfix
> thanks
>> This version of texlive-latex-recommended has silently (at least there
>> is no mention in the Debian changelog) dropped its Provides from
>> 2016.20170123-5, making two reverse dependencies of latex-xcolor
> latex-xcolor has been a transitional package since 2014, that is oldstable.
> Those packages still depending on it need to be updated.
> I will not carry arbitrary provides over more than two releases.
> I keep this bug open as a reminder for others, but tag it as wontfix.

Fair enough, but then you need to take care of reverse
(build-)dependencies: besides the two packages I mentioned there are
quite a few packages in unstable and experimental which build-depend on

| $ grep-dctrl -FBuild-Depends,Build-Depends-Indep latex-xcolor -sPackage 
/var/lib/apt/lists/*Sources | sort -u
| Package: ask
| Package: auto-multiple-choice
| Package: diet
| Package: doxygen
| Package: elastix
| Package: epix
| Package: genometools
| Package: graphite2
| Package: libbluray
| Package: librostlab
| Package: librostlab-blast
| Package: litl
| Package: octave-ocs
| Package: opencv
| Package: openms
| Package: probabel
| Package: pycorrfit
| Package: python-escript
| Package: python-pymzml
| Package: scolasync
| Package: sdformat
| Package: sketch

Please file bugs on those too.


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