Balasankar C dijo [Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 08:18:11AM +0530]:
> >Umh, the name 'tool' is as generic as 'general purpose library'. Could
> >you provide a description that people would find useful to know
> >whether they could use this library (so that it's not _only_ used as a
> >dependency)?
> To be honest, I did feel the same when I filed this ITP and I spent
> some time thinking of a better description. However, after reading
> the code, the description is probably the best one it can have. This
> gem basically bundles three or four different helper methods that
> are mainly to be used by Sinatra and Mustermann. I don't think I can
> find a better short description that conveys this fact. Maybe change
> "general purpose library" with "collection of helper methods".
> What I can do is beef up the extended description to specify what
> all are the methods and clarify that they are mainly used by Sinatra
> and Mustermann for their specific code structure.

Ummm, I'd probably say "collection of helper methods for Sinatra and
Mustermann" then :) Making it clear from the short description what
this "tool" aims to.

(still, terrible naming for a piece of software!)

> As English isn't my best attribute, I'm open to any suggestion you
> may have. Else I will make the changes mentioned above.

I can tell you that it's quite clear that self.english.skills < 'native'
as well ;-)

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