On Wed, 21 Jun 2017 23:28:52 +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:

> > > My reading is that no change in IO-Compress was needed once
> > > Compress-Raw-Zlib was fixed. And the CPAN bug was resolved with
> > > no code change in IO-Compress.
> > In any case, both are updated to the latest version in unstable (and
> > they are released in lockstep), so I assume no problems there.
> This is about the version bundled with perl itself which is not yet fixed
> in unstable. But good to point out that the separate packaged versions
> don't need a separate bug report :)

Oops; I know that the original bug report was about the bundled
modules but for whatever reason (ETOOLATE maybe) I thought the
discussion had changed to the separate packages :)


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