Hi Jose,

ping on this request? Now that Stretch is out, it is a good time to
upload the latest upstream release, and I'd like to help make
this happen.

> If you need help maintaining this package, we can surely help with the
> pkg-perl team. Just let me know :)

I notice that
https://contributors.debian.org/contributor/bureado@debian/ shows no
activity from you since June 2014, and mia-query is not aware of any
activity since 17 Aug 2015; so I guess you've been busy with
non-Debian stuff, which is of course fine.

Therefore, I intend to adopt this package under the umbrella of the
pkg-perl team if I get no reply before the beginning of DebConf17.

I'd be glad to co-maintain this package with you on that team whenever
you have some time for Debian maintenance :)


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