Loïc Minier wrote:


On Fri, Feb 10, 2006, Freddy Freeloader wrote:
OK. You will find it attached to this email.

Ok, it's the same as mine, could you check you have use-session-dbus in

I checked and that option was not present. I added it, logged out and back in but nothing changed so I rebooted and still there was no change. Since all the correct icons and the volume slider in Rhythmbox appear, and work fine, in other user accounts I suspect that something in one of my /home directory files is corrupted. I ran Kompare on all the configuration files in .gconf, .gnome, .gnome2, and a couple of other directories having to do with configuration too that I can't recall off the top of my head and found no differences between those files in my /home directory and the /home directory of an account which works correctly. Since the parts of Rhythmbox and and the Gnome volume slider appear, and work correctly, in other user accounts I wouldn't think that global system configuration files such as those found in /etc would be the problem, would you? Wouldn't it make sense that whatever is corrupted is corrupted in relation to my user account only? I'm new enough to Debian that I am unsure what all files are related to this. However, I have uninstalled Rhythmbox, ran a dpkg --purge rhythmbox and then manually gone through and deleted any directories left in my /home directory named Rhythmbox--there were a few left. However, on re-install of Rhythmbox the same problem still appeared so I suspect something in Gnome itself is corrupted and it's all related somehow to the default volume slider. I can't remember exactly what it was that corrupted in my wife's user account on this same machine once but it was something similar. I created her a new account, transfered her /home directory files from her old account to her new one and the problem followed her. So I deleted that account and created another one. When I excluded copying the hidden directories and configuration files to the new /home directory for her the problem disappeared.
Just a note for your information. After this coming Sunday I will be gone Monday-Friday from now on as I'm starting a new job that is too far away to commute daily. So, if you send an email that requires a response and I don't respond for a few days that will be why.

Ok, no problem.


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