Control: unblock -1 by 850098
Control: block -1 by 857865
Control: block -1 by 856619

Just to update, it's been a while since I worked on this because I realised that the dependency situation was rather more complicated than I'd thought. There are many many node and bower packages required, but most of this is just to enable the web UI so it's probably possible to disable that feature for now to make it easier to get started here.

Below is the dependency status, ignoring node/bower. Some previous dependencies were dropped and some new ones have appeared.

FLEXGET 2.10.66
cherrypy==10.2.2        cherrypy3          OUTDATED   #828942 [W]
feedparser==5.2.1       python-feedparser  OUTDATED   [W]
flask-restful==0.3.6    flask-restful      OUTDATED
future==0.16.0          python-future      OUTDATED
guessit==2.0.4          guessit            OUTDATED   #867862 [1][2][N]
jsonschema==2.6.0       python-jsonschema  OUTDATED   #857865
pyparsing==2.2.0        pyparsing          OUTDATED
python-dateutil==2.6.0  python-dateutil    OUTDATED   #867865
requests==2.16.5        requests           OUTDATED   #856619 [N]
rpyc==3.3.0             rpyc               RFS        ITP: #850097,
                                                      RFS: #850670
flask-cors==3.0.2       flask-cors         ITP        ITP: #850091
flask-restplus==0.10.1  flask-restplus     ITP        ITP: #850089
rebulk==0.8.2                              MISSING
vcrpy~=1.11.1                              MISSING    [D]
pytest-capturelog                          MISSING    [D] [3]
sqlalchemy==1.1.10      sqlalchemy         TOO-NEW    1.1.11
zxcvbn-python==4.4.14   python-zxcvbn      OK         experimental
colorclass==2.2.0       colorclass         OK         experimental
apscheduler==3.3.1      apscheduler        OK
beautifulsoup4==4.6.0   beautifulsoup4     OK
flask-compress==1.4.0   flask-compress     OK
flask-login==0.4.0      flask-login        OK
flask==0.12.2           flask              OK
html5lib==0.999999999   html5lib           OK
jinja2==2.9.6           jinja2             OK            OK
pynzb==0.1.0            python-pynzb       OK
pyrss2gen==1.1          python-pyrss2gen   OK
pyyaml==3.12            pyyaml             OK
terminaltables==3.1.0   terminaltables     OK
click                   python-click       OK         [D]
boto3                   python-boto3       OK         [D]
pytest>=2.7,!=3.0.2     pytest             OK         [D]
pytest-xdist            pytest-xdist       OK         [D]
pytest-runner           pytest-runner      OK         [D]
gitpython               python-git         OK         [D]

[D] dev dependency, maybe not needed
[N] latest upstream would be TOO-NEW
[W] WIP in git repo
[3] pytest-catchlog is packaged, and is a fork of this

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