
This week I worked on packaging crosstool-ng 1.23 for Debian using existing 

I found that some dependencies are missing from the binary package so `ct-ng 
build` works correctly with minimal base system (like m4, wget).

I also added patches:
- 0001-Disable-MAKELEVEL-check.patch:
   An alternative to setting MAKELEVEL=0 inside debian/rules.
   This patch comments out the check of MAKELEVEL inside `Makefile.in`.

- 0002-Makefile.in-remove-recursive-part.patch:
   This patch fix the infinite recursion issue. I should probably share this 
into crosstool-ng and put the following text into the patch description :).
   The issue is that Debian dh run `make -n` which give `nrR` inside MAKEFLAGS 
and the `filter` function only matches whole words.
   Using `findstring` replaces every occurrences of the given text, making the 
assumption that no long options will contain `rR` or `Rr`.

- 0003-Backport-commit-Fix-debuild-warnings-errors.patch:
   This patch backports the commit [1] to fix lintian warning and errors.

I added installation of the bash completion script into 
/usr/share/bash-completion/completions (which is the new directory replacing 

I've added a watch file which use [4] and checks the gpg signature against 
The signing-key.asc file contains public keys of Alexey Neyman and Bryan 
Hundven (not sure if they are all the needed signatures).

I added a autopkgtest test to build a `arm-unknown-eabi` toolchain to check 
that the built package is working properly.

I put my package sources on github [2] with a travis configuration to:
- Build on travis a schroot of unstable (as travis use old ubuntu releases)
- Use this schroot to run sbuild inside which also run lintian and autopkgtest.
- Not that relevant but travis-ci also upload the built package to bintray when 
building a tag.

I use git-buildpackage to manage the source package.
My workflow is documented at `debian/README.source`.

Due to the length of the toolchain building and limitation of travis build max 
duration, I only test one toolchain build (arm-unknown-eabi).
FYI, Travis sbuild logs are available here [3].

I'm not sure about my medium/long term availability to maintain this package, 
but I hope what I have done can help to get crosstool-ng into Debian :)

[2] https://github.com/amurzeau/crosstool-ng-debian/
[3] https://travis-ci.org/amurzeau/crosstool-ng-debian/builds/252979392
[4] http://crosstool-ng.org/download/crosstool-ng/

Alexis Murzeau

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