retitle 868360 cups-filters-core-drivers: recommends non-functional driverless 

On Sun, Jul 16, 2017 at 05:17:14PM +0100, Brian Potkin wrote:
> On Sun 16 Jul 2017 at 14:38:44 +0000, brian m. carlson wrote:
> > The printer resolution is indeed returned in an IPP query, as you'll see
> > in the data provided.  However, cups only accepts the PWG raster format
> > resolution and ignores the printer resolution.  If the driverless
> > printing option provided all three resolution options (600 dpi, 600x2400
> > dpi, and 600x2 dpi), it would be easy to simply configure the printer to
> > use one of the other options as a default.
> > 
> > I do view this aspect as a bug in cups.  I should be able to pick any
> > resolution that the printer supports.
> When it generates a PPD cups-browsed does fill in missing essential
> options with defaults. Whether it corrects values for attributes (or
> whether it is seen as desirable to do so) I do not know.

The printer resolution was indeed provided, as the dump I attached to
this bug report specified.  There was no reason to restrict me to only
only the PWG resolution instead of allowing me to pick the other
resolutions supported by the printer.

This package indicates that the driverless PPD operation is
"recommended".  I've provided five ways in which the driverless
operation could work on this printer, but as it stands this recommended
driver is non-functional.

If CUPS is going to recommend this driver as the best option, it should
work usefully out of the box with little to no configuration, which it
currently does not.  CUPS should either adopt one of the five proposed
resolutions or stop indicating this driver is recommended.  Perhaps a
blacklist of known-broken devices should be built.
brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US | My opinion only

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