Hi Antonio,

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 05:52:09PM +0000, Antonio Radici wrote:
> I've tried to reproduce the problem and the procedure outlined in the message
> sent by Hannes on Mon, 12 Sep 2016 21:37:10 +0200 does not make it 
> reproducible.
> Could you please post a stacktrace of your issue? it seems to me that it
> might not be related to this bug (maybe it's the imap ssl problem)

Please see my original bug report on Fri, 23 Sep 2016 17:45:47 -0400.


I have attached the output of mutt 1.7.2-1 run under valgrind.

These steps reproduce the issue on Debian stretch amd64:

  1. create new IMAP/SMTP account on the server, e.g., "m...@example.com"

  2. create IMAP folder "Sent" if it does not exist already

  3. "apt install mutt mutt-dbgsym isync awesome" on the client

  4. create new user account on the client, e.g., "mutt"

  5. login to new user account using window manager "awesome"

  6. press "Mod4"/"Win" + "space" to switch to tiling layout

  7. press "Mod4"/"Win" + "enter" to open first terminal

  8. press "Mod4"/"Win" + "enter" to open second terminal

  9. create ~/.muttrc

set folder=~/Mail
set spoolfile=~/Mail/INBOX
set mbox_type=Maildir
set record=+Sent
set copy
set nomove
set from=m...@example.com
set envelope_from
set tilde
set strict_threads
set sort=threads
set sort_aux=last-date-received
set mime_forward=ask-no
set assumed_charset="iso-8859-1:utf-8"
set attach_charset="utf-8:iso-8859-1"
set send_charset="us-ascii:utf-8"
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s"
set pager_index_lines=10
set ssl_force_tls
set smtp_url="smtp://m...@smtp.example.com:587"
set smtp_pass="01234567890ABCDEF"
mailboxes !

  10. create ~/.mbsyncrc

MaildirStore client
Path ~/Mail/
Inbox ~/Mail/INBOX
Flatten .

IMAPStore server
Host imap.example.com
User mutt
Pass 01234567890ABCDEF

Channel server
Master :server:
Slave :client:
Patterns %
Create Slave
Expunge Both

  11. "mkdir ~/Mail"

  12. "mbsync -a"

  13. "valgrind --log-file=/tmp/mutt.log mutt"

  14. send test message from "m...@example.com" to "m...@example.com"

  15. switch to =Sent mailbox

  16. open test message in pager

  17. press "Mod4"/"Win" + "tab" to switch to second terminal

  18. "mbsync -a"

  19. press "Mod4"/"Win" + "enter" to open third terminal

After this step, mutt will either segfault or show a garbled status
line at the bottom, and valgrind logs an invalid read as follows:

==3468== Invalid read of size 8
==3468==    at 0x1590C2: hdr_format_str (hdrline.c:474)
==3468==    by 0x1A03F5: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1580)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)

==3468== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==3468== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==3468== Using Valgrind-3.12.0.SVN and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==3468== Command: mutt
==3468== Parent PID: 3402
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7041009: re_compile_fastmap_iter.isra.24 (regcomp.c:328)
==3468==    by 0x7049664: re_compile_fastmap (regcomp.c:276)
==3468==    by 0x7049D3A: regcomp (regcomp.c:509)
==3468==    by 0x14B27C: mutt_restore_default (init.c:1779)
==3468==    by 0x15296B: mutt_init (init.c:3696)
==3468==    by 0x11FEAE: main (main.c:436)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7041009: re_compile_fastmap_iter.isra.24 (regcomp.c:328)
==3468==    by 0x70496A5: re_compile_fastmap (regcomp.c:280)
==3468==    by 0x7049D3A: regcomp (regcomp.c:509)
==3468==    by 0x14B27C: mutt_restore_default (init.c:1779)
==3468==    by 0x15296B: mutt_init (init.c:3696)
==3468==    by 0x11FEAE: main (main.c:436)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7041009: re_compile_fastmap_iter.isra.24 (regcomp.c:328)
==3468==    by 0x70496C7: re_compile_fastmap (regcomp.c:282)
==3468==    by 0x7049D3A: regcomp (regcomp.c:509)
==3468==    by 0x14B27C: mutt_restore_default (init.c:1779)
==3468==    by 0x15296B: mutt_init (init.c:3696)
==3468==    by 0x11FEAE: main (main.c:436)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7041009: re_compile_fastmap_iter.isra.24 (regcomp.c:328)
==3468==    by 0x70496A5: re_compile_fastmap (regcomp.c:280)
==3468==    by 0x7049D3A: regcomp (regcomp.c:509)
==3468==    by 0x14E7CF: parse_attach_list (init.c:1154)
==3468==    by 0x14E7CF: parse_attachments (init.c:1320)
==3468==    by 0x14F11E: mutt_parse_rc_line.part.12 (init.c:2739)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: mutt_parse_rc_line (init.c:2715)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: source_rc (init.c:2647)
==3468==    by 0x152CAD: mutt_init (init.c:3801)
==3468==    by 0x11FEAE: main (main.c:436)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7041009: re_compile_fastmap_iter.isra.24 (regcomp.c:328)
==3468==    by 0x70496C7: re_compile_fastmap (regcomp.c:282)
==3468==    by 0x7049D3A: regcomp (regcomp.c:509)
==3468==    by 0x14E7CF: parse_attach_list (init.c:1154)
==3468==    by 0x14E7CF: parse_attachments (init.c:1320)
==3468==    by 0x14F11E: mutt_parse_rc_line.part.12 (init.c:2739)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: mutt_parse_rc_line (init.c:2715)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: source_rc (init.c:2647)
==3468==    by 0x152CAD: mutt_init (init.c:3801)
==3468==    by 0x11FEAE: main (main.c:436)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7041009: re_compile_fastmap_iter.isra.24 (regcomp.c:328)
==3468==    by 0x70496A5: re_compile_fastmap (regcomp.c:280)
==3468==    by 0x7049D3A: regcomp (regcomp.c:509)
==3468==    by 0x15DB96: mutt_parse_hook (hook.c:205)
==3468==    by 0x14F11E: mutt_parse_rc_line.part.12 (init.c:2739)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: mutt_parse_rc_line (init.c:2715)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: source_rc (init.c:2647)
==3468==    by 0x14F559: parse_source (init.c:2697)
==3468==    by 0x14F11E: mutt_parse_rc_line.part.12 (init.c:2739)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: mutt_parse_rc_line (init.c:2715)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: source_rc (init.c:2647)
==3468==    by 0x14F559: parse_source (init.c:2697)
==3468==    by 0x14F11E: mutt_parse_rc_line.part.12 (init.c:2739)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: mutt_parse_rc_line (init.c:2715)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: source_rc (init.c:2647)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7041009: re_compile_fastmap_iter.isra.24 (regcomp.c:328)
==3468==    by 0x70496C7: re_compile_fastmap (regcomp.c:282)
==3468==    by 0x7049D3A: regcomp (regcomp.c:509)
==3468==    by 0x15DB96: mutt_parse_hook (hook.c:205)
==3468==    by 0x14F11E: mutt_parse_rc_line.part.12 (init.c:2739)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: mutt_parse_rc_line (init.c:2715)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: source_rc (init.c:2647)
==3468==    by 0x14F559: parse_source (init.c:2697)
==3468==    by 0x14F11E: mutt_parse_rc_line.part.12 (init.c:2739)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: mutt_parse_rc_line (init.c:2715)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: source_rc (init.c:2647)
==3468==    by 0x14F559: parse_source (init.c:2697)
==3468==    by 0x14F11E: mutt_parse_rc_line.part.12 (init.c:2739)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: mutt_parse_rc_line (init.c:2715)
==3468==    by 0x14F30C: source_rc (init.c:2647)
==3479== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1024 in syscall close()
==3479== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1025 in syscall close()
==3479== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1026 in syscall close()
==3479== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1027 in syscall close()
==3479==    Use --log-fd=<number> to select an alternative log fd.
==3479== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1028 in syscall close()
==3479== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1029 in syscall close()
==3478== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3478==     in use at exit: 1,502,910 bytes in 3,815 blocks
==3478==   total heap usage: 5,089 allocs, 1,274 frees, 1,785,062 bytes 
==3478== LEAK SUMMARY:
==3478==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3478==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3478==      possibly lost: 1,352 bytes in 18 blocks
==3478==    still reachable: 1,501,558 bytes in 3,797 blocks
==3478==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==3478==                         newarray           : 1,536 bytes in 16 blocks
==3478==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3478== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==3478== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==3478== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==3478== ERROR SUMMARY: 19 errors from 7 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==3481== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1024 in syscall close()
==3481== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1025 in syscall close()
==3481== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1026 in syscall close()
==3481== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1027 in syscall close()
==3481==    Use --log-fd=<number> to select an alternative log fd.
==3481== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1028 in syscall close()
==3481== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1029 in syscall close()
==3480== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3480==     in use at exit: 1,503,163 bytes in 3,826 blocks
==3480==   total heap usage: 5,100 allocs, 1,274 frees, 1,785,315 bytes 
==3480== LEAK SUMMARY:
==3480==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3480==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3480==      possibly lost: 1,352 bytes in 18 blocks
==3480==    still reachable: 1,501,811 bytes in 3,808 blocks
==3480==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==3480==                         newarray           : 1,536 bytes in 16 blocks
==3480==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3480== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==3480== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==3480== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==3480== ERROR SUMMARY: 19 errors from 7 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==3483== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1024 in syscall close()
==3483== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1025 in syscall close()
==3483== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1026 in syscall close()
==3483== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1027 in syscall close()
==3483==    Use --log-fd=<number> to select an alternative log fd.
==3483== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1028 in syscall close()
==3483== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1029 in syscall close()
==3482== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3482==     in use at exit: 1,503,191 bytes in 3,828 blocks
==3482==   total heap usage: 5,102 allocs, 1,274 frees, 1,785,343 bytes 
==3482== LEAK SUMMARY:
==3482==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3482==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3482==      possibly lost: 1,352 bytes in 18 blocks
==3482==    still reachable: 1,501,839 bytes in 3,810 blocks
==3482==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==3482==                         newarray           : 1,536 bytes in 16 blocks
==3482==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3482== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==3482== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==3482== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==3482== ERROR SUMMARY: 19 errors from 7 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==3485== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1024 in syscall close()
==3485== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1025 in syscall close()
==3485== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1026 in syscall close()
==3485== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1027 in syscall close()
==3485==    Use --log-fd=<number> to select an alternative log fd.
==3485== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1028 in syscall close()
==3485== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1029 in syscall close()
==3484== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3484==     in use at exit: 1,503,259 bytes in 3,831 blocks
==3484==   total heap usage: 5,105 allocs, 1,274 frees, 1,785,411 bytes 
==3485== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3485==     in use at exit: 1,503,259 bytes in 3,831 blocks
==3485==   total heap usage: 5,106 allocs, 1,275 frees, 1,818,227 bytes 
==3484== LEAK SUMMARY:
==3484==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3484==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3484==      possibly lost: 1,352 bytes in 18 blocks
==3484==    still reachable: 1,501,907 bytes in 3,813 blocks
==3484==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==3484==                         newarray           : 1,536 bytes in 16 blocks
==3484==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3484== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==3484== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==3484== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==3484== ERROR SUMMARY: 19 errors from 7 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==3485== LEAK SUMMARY:
==3485==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3485==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3485==      possibly lost: 1,352 bytes in 18 blocks
==3485==    still reachable: 1,501,907 bytes in 3,813 blocks
==3485==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==3485==                         newarray           : 1,536 bytes in 16 blocks
==3485==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3485== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==3485== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==3485== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==3485== ERROR SUMMARY: 19 errors from 7 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==3487== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1024 in syscall close()
==3487== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1025 in syscall close()
==3487== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1026 in syscall close()
==3487== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1027 in syscall close()
==3487==    Use --log-fd=<number> to select an alternative log fd.
==3487== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1028 in syscall close()
==3487== Warning: invalid file descriptor 1029 in syscall close()
==3486== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3486==     in use at exit: 1,503,328 bytes in 3,834 blocks
==3486==   total heap usage: 5,108 allocs, 1,274 frees, 1,785,480 bytes 
==3486== LEAK SUMMARY:
==3486==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3486==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3486==      possibly lost: 1,352 bytes in 18 blocks
==3486==    still reachable: 1,501,976 bytes in 3,816 blocks
==3486==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==3486==                         newarray           : 1,536 bytes in 16 blocks
==3486==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3486== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==3486== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==3486== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==3486== ERROR SUMMARY: 19 errors from 7 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)
==3468== Invalid read of size 8
==3468==    at 0x1590C2: hdr_format_str (hdrline.c:474)
==3468==    by 0x1A03F5: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1580)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468==  Address 0xd2f2868 is 72 bytes inside a block of size 160 free'd
==3468==    at 0x4C2CDDB: free (in 
==3468==    by 0x19ABD0: safe_free (lib.c:198)
==3468==    by 0x16C625: mx_update_tables (mx.c:1157)
==3468==    by 0x16657C: maildir_update_tables (mh.c:2116)
==3468==    by 0x16A01C: maildir_check_mailbox (mh.c:2289)
==3468==    by 0x172703: mutt_pager (pager.c:2030)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468==  Block was alloc'd at
==3468==    at 0x4C2DBC5: calloc (in 
==3468==    by 0x19AA2F: safe_calloc (lib.c:136)
==3468==    by 0x16831E: maildir_parse_dir (mh.c:856)
==3468==    by 0x16854B: mh_read_dir (mh.c:1292)
==3468==    by 0x1687B3: maildir_read_dir (mh.c:1327)
==3468==    by 0x1687B3: maildir_open_mailbox (mh.c:1335)
==3468==    by 0x16B544: mx_open_mailbox (mx.c:673)
==3468==    by 0x13C767: main_change_folder.isra.4.constprop.5 (curs_main.c:770)
==3468==    by 0x142597: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2004)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDA9: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x19FD59: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1592)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDB8: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x19FD59: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1592)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDA9: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x13A8D1: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1278)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDB8: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x13A8D1: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1278)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x6F9FA97: utf8_internal_loop (loop.c:325)
==3468==    by 0x6F9FA97: __gconv_transform_utf8_internal (skeleton.c:609)
==3468==    by 0x701534A: mbrtowc (mbrtowc.c:86)
==3468==    by 0x13A909: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1281)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x70153BB: mbrtowc (mbrtowc.c:102)
==3468==    by 0x13A909: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1281)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x13A915: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1283)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7065C06: iswprint (wcfuncs.c:60)
==3468==    by 0x13A930: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1296)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==3468==    at 0x7065C85: iswprint (wcfuncs.c:60)
==3468==    by 0x13A930: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1296)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Invalid read of size 8
==3468==    at 0x1590C2: hdr_format_str (hdrline.c:474)
==3468==    by 0x1A03F5: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1580)
==3468==    by 0x1A0538: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1478)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468==  Address 0xd2f2868 is 72 bytes inside a block of size 160 free'd
==3468==    at 0x4C2CDDB: free (in 
==3468==    by 0x19ABD0: safe_free (lib.c:198)
==3468==    by 0x16C625: mx_update_tables (mx.c:1157)
==3468==    by 0x16657C: maildir_update_tables (mh.c:2116)
==3468==    by 0x16A01C: maildir_check_mailbox (mh.c:2289)
==3468==    by 0x172703: mutt_pager (pager.c:2030)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468==  Block was alloc'd at
==3468==    at 0x4C2DBC5: calloc (in 
==3468==    by 0x19AA2F: safe_calloc (lib.c:136)
==3468==    by 0x16831E: maildir_parse_dir (mh.c:856)
==3468==    by 0x16854B: mh_read_dir (mh.c:1292)
==3468==    by 0x1687B3: maildir_read_dir (mh.c:1327)
==3468==    by 0x1687B3: maildir_open_mailbox (mh.c:1335)
==3468==    by 0x16B544: mx_open_mailbox (mx.c:673)
==3468==    by 0x13C767: main_change_folder.isra.4.constprop.5 (curs_main.c:770)
==3468==    by 0x142597: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2004)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDA9: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x19FD59: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1592)
==3468==    by 0x1A0538: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1478)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDB8: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x19FD59: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1592)
==3468==    by 0x1A0538: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1478)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDA9: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x13A8D1: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1278)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x1A0538: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1478)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDB8: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x13A8D1: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1278)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x1A0538: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1478)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x70153BB: mbrtowc (mbrtowc.c:102)
==3468==    by 0x13A909: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1281)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x1A0538: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1478)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x13A915: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1283)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x1A0538: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1478)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7065C06: iswprint (wcfuncs.c:60)
==3468==    by 0x13A930: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1296)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x1A0538: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1478)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==3468==    at 0x7065C85: iswprint (wcfuncs.c:60)
==3468==    by 0x13A930: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1296)
==3468==    by 0x19FD8A: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1598)
==3468==    by 0x1A0538: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1478)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDB8: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x1A0540: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1479)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDB8: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x13A8D1: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1278)
==3468==    by 0x1A054D: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1480)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x6F9FA97: utf8_internal_loop (loop.c:325)
==3468==    by 0x6F9FA97: __gconv_transform_utf8_internal (skeleton.c:609)
==3468==    by 0x701534A: mbrtowc (mbrtowc.c:86)
==3468==    by 0x13A909: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1281)
==3468==    by 0x1A054D: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1480)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x70153BB: mbrtowc (mbrtowc.c:102)
==3468==    by 0x13A909: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1281)
==3468==    by 0x1A054D: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1480)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x13A915: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1283)
==3468==    by 0x1A054D: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1480)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7065C06: iswprint (wcfuncs.c:60)
==3468==    by 0x13A930: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1296)
==3468==    by 0x1A054D: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1480)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==3468==    at 0x7065C85: iswprint (wcfuncs.c:60)
==3468==    by 0x13A930: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1296)
==3468==    by 0x1A054D: mutt_FormatString (muttlib.c:1480)
==3468==    by 0x15B91A: mutt_make_string_info (hdrline.c:1240)
==3468==    by 0x170CE2: mutt_pager (pager.c:1958)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDB8: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x13A69C: mutt_wstr_trunc (curs_lib.c:1205)
==3468==    by 0x13CA0D: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:651)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x6F9FA97: utf8_internal_loop (loop.c:325)
==3468==    by 0x6F9FA97: __gconv_transform_utf8_internal (skeleton.c:609)
==3468==    by 0x701534A: mbrtowc (mbrtowc.c:86)
==3468==    by 0x13A725: mutt_wstr_trunc (curs_lib.c:1208)
==3468==    by 0x13CA0D: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:651)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x70153BB: mbrtowc (mbrtowc.c:102)
==3468==    by 0x13A725: mutt_wstr_trunc (curs_lib.c:1208)
==3468==    by 0x13CA0D: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:651)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==3468==    at 0x701DE64: wcwidth_table_lookup (wchar-lookup.h:97)
==3468==    by 0x701DE64: internal_wcwidth (wcwidth.h:36)
==3468==    by 0x701DE64: wcwidth (wcwidth.c:25)
==3468==    by 0x13A6D8: mutt_wstr_trunc (curs_lib.c:1217)
==3468==    by 0x13CA0D: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:651)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==3468==    at 0x701DE71: wcwidth_table_lookup (wchar-lookup.h:104)
==3468==    by 0x701DE71: internal_wcwidth (wcwidth.h:36)
==3468==    by 0x701DE71: wcwidth (wcwidth.c:25)
==3468==    by 0x13A6D8: mutt_wstr_trunc (curs_lib.c:1217)
==3468==    by 0x13CA0D: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:651)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x13A760: mutt_wstr_trunc (curs_lib.c:1220)
==3468==    by 0x13CA0D: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:651)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x13A76E: mutt_wstr_trunc (curs_lib.c:1225)
==3468==    by 0x13CA0D: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:651)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x13A778: mutt_wstr_trunc (curs_lib.c:1225)
==3468==    by 0x13CA0D: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:651)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4E4218A: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x50803D6: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E41AAB: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==3468==    at 0x508042B: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E41AAB: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==3468==    at 0x4E41B38: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x70150C3: wctob (wctob.c:40)
==3468==    by 0x4E5B0D7: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E41B97: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x70150CC: wctob (wctob.c:45)
==3468==    by 0x4E5B0D7: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E41B97: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4E41B9A: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4E41AF7: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4E41AFD: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4E41B07: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4E41B11: ??? (in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncursesw.so.5.9)
==3468==    by 0x4E421C5: waddnstr (in 
==3468==    by 0x13CBFC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:697)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x4C2EDB8: strlen (in 
==3468==    by 0x13A8D1: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1278)
==3468==    by 0x13CBCC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:700)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x6F9FA97: utf8_internal_loop (loop.c:325)
==3468==    by 0x6F9FA97: __gconv_transform_utf8_internal (skeleton.c:609)
==3468==    by 0x701534A: mbrtowc (mbrtowc.c:86)
==3468==    by 0x13A909: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1281)
==3468==    by 0x13CBCC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:700)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x70153BB: mbrtowc (mbrtowc.c:102)
==3468==    by 0x13A909: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1281)
==3468==    by 0x13CBCC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:700)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x13A915: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1283)
==3468==    by 0x13CBCC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:700)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==3468==    at 0x7065C06: iswprint (wcfuncs.c:60)
==3468==    by 0x13A930: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1296)
==3468==    by 0x13CBCC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:700)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
==3468==    at 0x7065C85: iswprint (wcfuncs.c:60)
==3468==    by 0x13A930: mutt_strwidth (curs_lib.c:1296)
==3468==    by 0x13CBCC: mutt_draw_statusline (curs_main.c:700)
==3468==    by 0x170CFA: mutt_pager (pager.c:1959)
==3468==    by 0x1309F4: mutt_display_message (commands.c:225)
==3468==    by 0x13FF0B: mutt_index_menu (curs_main.c:2041)
==3468==    by 0x120F15: main (main.c:896)
==3468== HEAP SUMMARY:
==3468==     in use at exit: 909,816 bytes in 3,157 blocks
==3468==   total heap usage: 47,303 allocs, 44,146 frees, 12,874,303 bytes 
==3468== LEAK SUMMARY:
==3468==    definitely lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3468==    indirectly lost: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3468==      possibly lost: 1,352 bytes in 18 blocks
==3468==    still reachable: 908,464 bytes in 3,139 blocks
==3468==                       of which reachable via heuristic:
==3468==                         newarray           : 1,536 bytes in 16 blocks
==3468==         suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==3468== Rerun with --leak-check=full to see details of leaked memory
==3468== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==3468== Use --track-origins=yes to see where uninitialised values come from
==3468== ERROR SUMMARY: 235 errors from 58 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)

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