
> There is no bug, LANGUAGE is only used to determine which message
> catalog is displayed.  Bug submitter should instead set LANG=de_CH.UTF-8
> and LC_* variables to en_GB.UTF-8 if needed.

Actually it's not that I wanted that but, as I explained, at some point in 
time I decided to change language from the one I had selected during 
Debian-installation by executing a

  dpkg-reconfigure locales

This led to the apparently nonsensical mix of environment variable setting.

> Claudio, can you verify this?

Having LANG and LANGUAGE set to de_CH and LC_* to en_GB did not work:

# env | grep -e '^LC' -e '^LANG'; adduser au-test
Lege Benutzer au-test an...
Adding new group `au-test' (1016).
Adding new user `au-test' (1016) with group `au-test'.
Homeverzeichnis /home/au-test existiert bereits. Kopiere keine Dateien 
aus /etc/skel
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: Kennwort erfolgreich geändert
Ändere Benutzerinformationen für au-test
Geben Sie einen neuen Wert an oder ENTER für den Standardwert
        Name []: a
        Raum []: a
        Telefon geschäftlich []: a
        Telefon privat []: a
        Sonstiges []: a
Sind die Informationen korrekt? [j/N] j
Ändere Benutzerinformationen für au-test
Geben Sie einen neuen Wert an oder ENTER für den Standardwert
        Name [a]:

> The only documentation that I know of is in libc.info, search for

I have trouble either finding this on my computer or finding any package 
containing libc.info (or libc6.info) searching on  http://pdo.debian.net/

Which package need I to install to get this info file and how is it called on 

Also one question regarding nl_langinfo and gettext, with whom I'm not 
familiar yet.

From my understanding of what was discussed here, gettext is used to translate 
messages according to a catalog which I assume is supplied by the 
application. Which catalog is choosen, or if the untranslated messages are 
presented depends not only on the user configuration ($LANGUAGE) but also on 
the catalogs supplied by the application.

nl_langinfo(YESEXPR) using another environment variable suggests to me, that 
it is totally handled in libc.

If my understanding is right, then adduser or any other application prompting 
for y/n would be in trouble even with a consistent setting of environment 
variables, unless it supplies message catalogs for every language which is 
supported by nl_langinfo. Otherwise, if for libc supported language xx_YY no 
message catalog is supplied, the user would receive the prompt in 
untranslated english (y/N), but expected to type either ä or è because thats 
what nl_langinfo expects for language xx_YY.

Claudio Nieder, Kanalweg 1, CH-8610 Uster, Tel +41 79 357 6743
yahoo messenger: claudionieder aim: claudionieder icq:42315212
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                http://www.claudio.ch

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