> This seems to be yet another occurrence of 
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=781120 -- handling 
> of non-readable directories on @INC
Just to pull together the various strands of this discussion: the issue
is that no StdHash.pm file actually exists, but Perl don't know that
ahead of time and has to search through @INC looking for it -- and
(since @INC ends with a "." entry) if the . directory happens to be
unreadable by the current user, Perl aborts that search with an error.

On the other hand, if all directories in @INC are readable, then Perl
completes the search without finding StdHash.pm anywhere (but also
without raising an error), and falls back to the definition of the
Tie::StdHash package contained within the Hash.pm file.

(For what it's worth, the discussion about why Perl [v5.18 and later]
aborts with an error if a path in @INC is unreadable can be found in
Perl bug #113422 and the various bugs associated with it:

Anyway, Amanda upstream has recently implemented a workaround for this
situation, as mentioned on the amanda-hackers list:
  Subject:    Re: "./Tie/StdHash.pm: Permission denied at" error messages
  From:       Jean-Louis Martineau <JMartineau () carbonite ! com>
  Date:       2017-07-19 12:16:04


The two-line patch in question can be found at, e.g.:


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