On Wed, Jul 26, 2017 at 15:34:58 +0200, Sven Bartscher wrote:
> When connecting to a VPN with juniper I get asked for a username and
> password and get the option to "Save passwords". The particular VPN
> I'm connecting to requires me to first enter a username and a password
> and afterwards asks me for a one-time password.
> While it makes sense for me to save the first username and password,
> saving the one-time password doesn't make sense. Unfortunately the
> "Save passwords" option seems to affect all entered passwords at once,
> so I can either save all entered passwords or none of them.
> I can work around this by just saving the one-time password. NM then
> tries to connect using the saved passwords, notices that the one-time
> password got rejected and asks me for it again. This works, but has
> the unfortunate side effect of making an unsuccessful authentication
> attempt on every connect, which causes me to get locked out of the VPN
> temporarily if I connect too often in a short amount of time.
> It would be really great if it were possible to choose whether to save
> or not save for each password individually.

Thanks for your bug report. This has been reported and is being
discussed upstream, take a look at [1].

[1]: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=782480


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