Control: tags -1 wontfix
Control: severity wishlist

On 24/03/17 15:59, Denys Berkovskyy wrote:
> Hi,
> Please find attached a path which fixes the issue. Since I was fixing issue 
> in git I have as well pushed changes to github and attached pull-request. To 
> test the changes I have made a package with changes applied to new upstream 
> version and uploaded it to 
> Alternatively you can download the package from mentors with dget:
> dget -x 
> I am new to the Debian packaging and I am not sure if I am doing the things 
> correctly. Could you let me know what should I do in the future. Is it 
> preferable to create and send patched on BTS, or doing it in git repository 
> and sending pull-requests is preferred way? And if creating packages with 
> changes applied is any use to maintainers? I would as well appreciate any 
> other comments you have.

Hi Denys,

First of all, sorry for leaving your bug report hanging for so long
despite you being ultra-helpful and including a patch.

I don't think the package should remove its user or group when it is
removed or purged. The reason is twofold: 1- should there be any files
leftover on your system owned by said user they will now show up only
with their UID/GID numbers, and 2- if you then install another package
the UID/GID will be recycled and they will be owned by the new user.

shairport-sync doesn't install any files itself, and the only leftover
items will likely be under /run, but I can't guarantee that users won't
chown/chgrp files elsewhere on their filesystem, leading to confusion
and even potential security issues.

I had a scout around other common packages, and none that I looked at
remove their users/groups.

Aside from that your patch looks perfectly valid and it was very helpful
that you went out of your way to learn how to do this. Please don't be
discouraged by me not applying your patch! Attaching the patch to the
bug and uploading to mentors were both very good things to do.

Debian developers have a tendency not to use GitHub for a plethora of
reasons. I don't personally mind GitHub at all and use it for various
things, but I have used Debian's Alioth project system to host my Debian
packages. All this means is that pushing to GitHub and doing the pull
request was unnecessary, even if some people might find it helpful.

Thanks again,

Chris Boot
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