On Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 09:38:50AM +1000, Ben Finney wrote:
> Ping. I'm still needing to understand your most recent message, can
> you help explain?
> On 02-Feb-2017, Guido Günther wrote:
> > If you now leave the check where it is for for all cases except
> > *options.overlay and not options.tag_only) and have the check
> > executed where you have it now for overlay-mode we have everything
> > covered.
> Sorry, you've lost me, I could not follow the conditional statements
> there.
> For my purpose in this bug report, the clean should happen only in the
> exported tree.
> I'm not clear on what other conditional branches you have in mind. Can
> you show pseudocode of what you mean?

I didn't get around to have a closer look but what you can do right now
is call the clean command as prebuild hook since it gets the build_dir
passed in as GBP_BUILD_DIR and is run right before the build.

(I'll have a closer look how to reshuffle things after fixing 2 other
bugs I'm currently on, sorry to keep you waiting).
 -- Guido

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