
On Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 03:10:45PM +0200, Stéphane Glondu wrote:
> retitle 868480 hhvm FTBFS with OCaml 4.05.0: missing ocamlbuild and other
> issues
> tags 868480 + patch
> thanks
> On Sat, 15 Jul 2017 23:46:06 +0200 I wrote:
> > hhvm uses ocamlbuild. To ease a future transition to ocaml 4.05.0,
> > where ocamlbuild is a separate package, please add it to
> > Build-Depends. The dependency is fullfilled by ocaml 4.02.3-10 at the
> > moment.
> There are other issues. Attached is a patch (to upstream) that fixes FTBFS
> with OCaml 4.05.0. It should be compatible with the OCaml currently in
> unstable.

HHVM in git has been upgraded to 3.21. sys_utils.ml has changed quite a bit
and your patch against 3.12 doesn't apply any longer. I'm attaching the
version from 3.21, could you have a look whether it is compatible with
ocaml 4.0.5?

> Don't forget to add ocamlbuild to Build-Depends.

That breaks pbuilder since ocamlbuild is only in experimental. From what
I can tell

ocamlbuild | ocaml-nox (<< 4.05) 

should work fine, though.

 * Copyright (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the "hack" directory of this source tree. An additional grant
 * of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.

open Core

exception NotADirectory of string

external realpath: string -> string option = "hh_realpath"
external is_nfs: string -> bool = "hh_is_nfs"

(** Option type intead of exception throwing. *)
let get_env name =
  try Some (Sys.getenv name) with
  | Not_found -> None

let getenv_user () =
  let user_var = if Sys.win32 then "USERNAME" else "USER" in
  let logname_var = "LOGNAME" in
  let user = get_env user_var in
  let logname = get_env logname_var in
  Option.first_some user logname

let getenv_home () =
  let home_var = if Sys.win32 then "APPDATA" else "HOME" in
  get_env home_var

let getenv_term () =
  let term_var = "TERM" in (* This variable does not exist on windows. *)
  get_env term_var

let path_sep = if Sys.win32 then ";" else ":"
let null_path = if Sys.win32 then "nul" else "/dev/null"
let temp_dir_name =
  if Sys.win32 then Filename.get_temp_dir_name () else "/tmp"

let getenv_path () =
  let path_var = "PATH" in (* Same variable on windows *)
  get_env path_var

let open_in_no_fail fn =
  try open_in fn
  with e ->
    let e = Printexc.to_string e in
    Printf.fprintf stderr "Could not open_in: '%s' (%s)\n" fn e;
    exit 3

let open_in_bin_no_fail fn =
  try open_in_bin fn
  with e ->
    let e = Printexc.to_string e in
    Printf.fprintf stderr "Could not open_in_bin: '%s' (%s)\n" fn e;
    exit 3

let close_in_no_fail fn ic =
  try close_in ic with e ->
    let e = Printexc.to_string e in
    Printf.fprintf stderr "Could not close: '%s' (%s)\n" fn e;
    exit 3

let open_out_no_fail fn =
  try open_out fn
  with e ->
    let e = Printexc.to_string e in
    Printf.fprintf stderr "Could not open_out: '%s' (%s)\n" fn e;
    exit 3

let open_out_bin_no_fail fn =
  try open_out_bin fn
  with e ->
    let e = Printexc.to_string e in
    Printf.fprintf stderr "Could not open_out_bin: '%s' (%s)\n" fn e;
    exit 3

let close_out_no_fail fn oc =
  try close_out oc with e ->
    let e = Printexc.to_string e in
    Printf.fprintf stderr "Could not close: '%s' (%s)\n" fn e;
    exit 3

let cat = Disk.cat

let cat_no_fail filename =
  let ic = open_in_bin_no_fail filename in
  let len = in_channel_length ic in
  let buf = Buffer.create len in
  Buffer.add_channel buf ic len;
  let content = Buffer.contents buf in
  close_in_no_fail filename ic;

let nl_regexp = Str.regexp "[\r\n]"
let split_lines = Str.split nl_regexp

(** Returns true if substring occurs somewhere inside str. *)
let string_contains str substring =
  (** regexp_string matches only this string and nothing else. *)
  let re = Str.regexp_string substring in
  try (Str.search_forward re str 0) >= 0 with Not_found -> false

let exec_read cmd =
  let ic = Unix.open_process_in cmd in
  let result = input_line ic in
  assert (Unix.close_process_in ic = Unix.WEXITED 0);

let exec_read_lines ?(reverse=false) cmd =
  let ic = Unix.open_process_in cmd in
  let result = ref [] in
    while true do
      result := input_line ic :: !result
  with End_of_file -> ());
  assert (Unix.close_process_in ic = Unix.WEXITED 0);
  if not reverse then List.rev !result else !result

 * Collects paths that satisfy a predicate, recursively traversing directories.
let rec collect_paths path_predicate path =
  if Sys.is_directory path then
      |> Sys.readdir
      |> Array.to_list
      |> List.map ~f:(Filename.concat path)
      |> List.concat_map ~f:(collect_paths path_predicate)
    Utils.singleton_if (path_predicate path) path

(** Deletes the file given by "path". If it is a directory, recursively
 * deletes all its contents then removes the directory itself. *)
let rec rm_dir_tree path =
  try begin
    let stats = Unix.lstat path in
    match stats.Unix.st_kind with
    | Unix.S_DIR ->
      let contents = Sys.readdir path in
      List.iter (Array.to_list contents) ~f:(fun name ->
        let name = Filename.concat path name in
        rm_dir_tree name);
      Unix.rmdir path
    | Unix.S_LNK | Unix.S_REG | Unix.S_CHR | Unix.S_BLK | Unix.S_FIFO
    | Unix.S_SOCK ->
      Unix.unlink path
  end with
  (** Path has been deleted out from under us - can ignore it. *)
  | Sys_error(s) when s = Printf.sprintf "%s: No such file or directory" path ->
  | Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, _, _) ->

let restart () =
  let cmd = Sys.argv.(0) in
  let argv = Sys.argv in
  Unix.execv cmd argv

let logname_impl () =
  match getenv_user () with
    | Some user -> user
    | None ->
      (* If this function is generally useful, it can be lifted to toplevel
         in this file, but this is the only place we need it for now. *)
      let exec_try_read cmd =
        let ic = Unix.open_process_in cmd in
        let out = try Some (input_line ic) with End_of_file -> None in
        let status = Unix.close_process_in ic in
        match out, status with
          | Some _, Unix.WEXITED 0 -> out
          | _ -> None in
      try Utils.unsafe_opt (exec_try_read "logname") with Invalid_argument _ ->
      try Utils.unsafe_opt (exec_try_read "id -un") with Invalid_argument _ ->

let logname_ref = ref None
let logname () =
  if !logname_ref = None then logname_ref := Some (logname_impl ());
  Utils.unsafe_opt !logname_ref

let with_umask umask f =
  let old_umask = ref 0 in
    ~enter:(fun () -> old_umask := Unix.umask umask)
    ~exit:(fun () -> Unix.umask !old_umask)
let with_umask umask f =
  if Sys.win32 then f () else with_umask umask f

let read_stdin_to_string () =
  let buf = Buffer.create 4096 in
    while true do
      Buffer.add_string buf (input_line stdin);
      Buffer.add_char buf '\n'
    assert false
  with End_of_file ->
    Buffer.contents buf

let read_all ?(buf_size=4096) ic =
  let buf = Buffer.create buf_size in
    while true do
      let data = String.create buf_size in
      let bytes_read = input ic data 0 buf_size in
      if bytes_read = 0 then raise Exit;
      Buffer.add_substring buf data 0 bytes_read;
  with Exit -> ());
  Buffer.contents buf

 * Like Python's os.path.expanduser, though probably doesn't cover some cases.
 * Roughly follow's bash's tilde expansion:
 * http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Tilde-Expansion.html
 * ~/foo -> /home/bob/foo if $HOME = "/home/bob"
 * ~joe/foo -> /home/joe/foo if joe's home is /home/joe
let expanduser path =
    (Str.regexp "^~\\([^/]*\\)")
    begin fun s ->
      match Str.matched_group 1 s with
        | "" ->
            match getenv_home () with
              | None -> (Unix.getpwuid (Unix.getuid())).Unix.pw_dir
              | Some home -> home
        | unixname ->
          try (Unix.getpwnam unixname).Unix.pw_dir
          with Not_found -> Str.matched_string s end

(* Turns out it's surprisingly complex to figure out the path to the current
   executable, which we need in order to extract its embedded libraries. If
   argv[0] is a path, then we can use that; sometimes it's just the exe name,
   so we have to search $PATH for it the same way shells do. for example:

   There are other options which might be more reliable when they exist, like
   using the `_` env var set by bash, or /proc/self/exe on Linux, but they are
   not portable. *)
let executable_path : unit -> string =
  let executable_path_ = ref None in
  let dir_sep = Filename.dir_sep.[0] in
  let search_path path =
    let paths =
      match getenv_path () with
        | None -> failwith "Unable to determine executable path"
        | Some paths ->
          Str.split (Str.regexp_string path_sep) paths in
    let path = List.fold_left paths ~f:begin fun acc p ->
      match acc with
      | Some _ -> acc
      | None -> realpath (expanduser (Filename.concat p path))
    end ~init:None
    match path with
    | Some path -> path
    | None -> failwith "Unable to determine executable path"
  fun () -> match !executable_path_ with
  | Some path -> path
  | None ->
      let path = Sys.executable_name in
      let path =
        if String.contains path dir_sep then
          match realpath path with
          | Some path -> path
          | None -> failwith "Unable to determine executable path"
        else search_path path
      executable_path_ := Some path;

let lines_of_in_channel ic =
  let rec loop accum =
    match try Some(input_line ic) with e -> None with
    | None -> List.rev accum
    | Some(line) -> loop (line::accum)
  loop []

let lines_of_file filename =
  let ic = open_in filename in
    let result = lines_of_in_channel ic in
    let _ = close_in ic in
  with _ ->
    close_in ic;

let read_file file =
  let ic = open_in_bin file  in
  let size = in_channel_length ic in
  let buf = String.create size in
  really_input ic buf 0 size;
  close_in ic;

let write_file ~file s =
  let chan = open_out file in
  (output_string chan s; close_out chan)

let append_file ~file s =
  let chan = open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_append; Open_creat] 0o666 file in
  (output_string chan s; close_out chan)

(* could be in control section too *)

let filemtime file =
  (Unix.stat file).Unix.st_mtime

external lutimes : string -> unit = "hh_lutimes"

let try_touch ~follow_symlinks file =
    if follow_symlinks then Unix.utimes file 0.0 0.0
    else lutimes file
  with _ ->

let rec mkdir_p = function
  | "" -> failwith "Unexpected empty directory, should never happen"
  | d when not (Sys.file_exists d) ->
    mkdir_p (Filename.dirname d);
    Unix.mkdir d 0o770;
  | d when Sys.is_directory d -> ()
  | d -> raise (NotADirectory d)

(* Emulate "mkdir -p", i.e., no error if already exists. *)
let mkdir_no_fail dir =
  with_umask 0 begin fun () ->
    (* Don't set sticky bit since the socket opening code wants to remove any
     * old sockets it finds, which may be owned by a different user. *)
    try Unix.mkdir dir 0o777 with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EEXIST, _, _) -> ()

let unlink_no_fail fn =
  try Unix.unlink fn with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ENOENT, _, _) -> ()

let readlink_no_fail fn =
  if Sys.win32 && Sys.file_exists fn then
    cat fn
    try Unix.readlink fn with _ -> fn

let splitext filename =
  let root = Filename.chop_extension filename in
  let root_length = String.length root in
  (* -1 because the extension includes the period, e.g. ".foo" *)
  let ext_length = String.length filename - root_length - 1 in
  let ext = String.sub filename (root_length + 1) ext_length in
  root, ext

let is_test_mode () =
    ignore @@ Sys.getenv "HH_TEST_MODE";
  with _ -> false

let sleep ~seconds =
  ignore @@ Unix.select [] [] [] seconds

let symlink =
  (* Dummy implementation of `symlink` on Windows: we create a text
     file containing the targeted-file's path. Symlink are available
     on Windows since Vista, but until Seven (included), one should
     have administratrive rights in order to create symlink. *)
  let win32_symlink source dest = write_file ~file:dest source in
  if Sys.win32
  then win32_symlink
    (* 4.03 adds an optional argument to Unix.symlink that we want to ignore
    fun source dest -> Unix.symlink source dest

(* Creates a symlink at <dir>/<linkname.ext> to
 * <dir>/<pluralized ext>/<linkname>-<timestamp>.<ext> *)
let make_link_of_timestamped linkname =
  let open Unix in
  let dir = Filename.dirname linkname in
  mkdir_no_fail dir;
  let base = Filename.basename linkname in
  let base, ext = splitext base in
  let dir = Filename.concat dir (Printf.sprintf "%ss" ext) in
  mkdir_no_fail dir;
  let tm = localtime (time ()) in
  let year = tm.tm_year + 1900 in
  let time_str = Printf.sprintf "%d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d"
    year (tm.tm_mon + 1) tm.tm_mday tm.tm_hour tm.tm_min tm.tm_sec in
  let filename = Filename.concat dir
    (Printf.sprintf "%s-%s.%s" base time_str ext) in
  unlink_no_fail linkname;
  symlink filename linkname;

let setsid =
  (* Not implemented on Windows. Let's just return the pid *)
  if Sys.win32 then Unix.getpid else Unix.setsid

let set_signal = if not Sys.win32 then Sys.set_signal else (fun _ _ -> ())
let signal =
  if not Sys.win32
  then (fun a b -> ignore (Sys.signal a b))
  else (fun _ _ -> ())

external get_total_ram : unit -> int = "hh_sysinfo_totalram"
external uptime : unit -> int = "hh_sysinfo_uptime"
external nproc: unit -> int = "nproc"

let total_ram = get_total_ram ()
let nbr_procs = nproc ()

external set_priorities : cpu_priority:int -> io_priority:int -> unit =

external pid_of_handle: int -> int = "pid_of_handle"
external handle_of_pid_for_termination: int -> int =

let terminate_process pid = Unix.kill pid Sys.sigkill

let lstat path =
  (* WTF, on Windows `lstat` fails if a directory path ends with an
     '/' (or a '\', whatever) *)
  Unix.lstat @@
  if Sys.win32 && String_utils.string_ends_with path Filename.dir_sep then
    String.sub path 0 (String.length path - 1)

let normalize_filename_dir_sep =
  let dir_sep_char = String.get Filename.dir_sep 0 in
  String.map (fun c -> if c = dir_sep_char then '/' else c)

let name_of_signal = function
  | s when s = Sys.sigabrt -> "SIGABRT (Abnormal termination)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigalrm -> "SIGALRM (Timeout)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigfpe -> "SIGFPE (Arithmetic exception)"
  | s when s = Sys.sighup -> "SIGHUP (Hangup on controlling terminal)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigill -> "SIGILL (Invalid hardware instruction)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigint -> "SIGINT (Interactive interrupt (ctrl-C))"
  | s when s = Sys.sigkill -> "SIGKILL (Termination)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigpipe -> "SIGPIPE (Broken pipe)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigquit -> "SIGQUIT (Interactive termination)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigsegv -> "SIGSEGV (Invalid memory reference)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigterm -> "SIGTERM (Termination)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigusr1 -> "SIGUSR1 (Application-defined signal 1)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigusr2 -> "SIGUSR2 (Application-defined signal 2)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigchld -> "SIGCHLD (Child process terminated)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigcont -> "SIGCONT (Continue)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigstop -> "SIGSTOP (Stop)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigtstp -> "SIGTSTP (Interactive stop)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigttin -> "SIGTTIN (Terminal read from background process)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigttou -> "SIGTTOU (Terminal write from background process)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigvtalrm -> "SIGVTALRM (Timeout in virtual time)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigprof -> "SIGPROF (Profiling interrupt)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigbus -> "SIGBUS (Bus error)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigpoll -> "SIGPOLL (Pollable event)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigsys -> "SIGSYS (Bad argument to routine)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigtrap -> "SIGTRAP (Trace/breakpoint trap)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigurg -> "SIGURG (Urgent condition on socket)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigxcpu -> "SIGXCPU (Timeout in cpu time)"
  | s when s = Sys.sigxfsz -> "SIGXFSZ (File size limit exceeded)"
  | other -> string_of_int other

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