On Tue, 02 May 2017 17:27:51 -0400, Michael Terry writes:
>Here it is, please consider it for Debian too.


>We do skip some tests.  Those are the ones that we've found unreliable
>for various architectures over the years.

i've added another skip: / and /usr are not guaranteed to be one
the same fs.

i've also added the missing check for DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck to
the new rules file (based on yours) and a bit of cleanup
for setup.py test which doesn't seem to honor PYTHONPATH and
consequentially compiles stuff again and leaves a mess
behind (duplicity/*.so, testing/gnupg/random_seed and so on).

>It's just something we've also done since maybe trusty because
>upstream fixed the issues those patches solve.

i disagree with that claim: the relevant lauchpad bugs are still
open, and i don't see any fixes in the code.


Alexander Zangerl + GPG Key 2FCCF66BB963BD5F + http://snafu.priv.at/
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