Hi Niels et al,

On 26 August 2017 at 07:22, Niels Thykier wrote:
| Dirk Eddelbuettel:
| > [...]
| > On 19 August 2017 at 13:14, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| > | 
| > | Dear release team,
| > | 
| Hi,
| Sorry for the slow up take on our part.

No worries. Releases and Debconfs have a habit of getting in the way :)

So thanks for getting back to me.  It will be good to get to this.
| > | Gentle poke.  We still need this set of NMUs to get R 3.4.1 into testing.
| > | 
| > | "Ask me anything" -- What (if anything) is missing?  How can I help?
| > 
| Before I schedule these binNMUs, then I need to understand if partial
| upgrades will be handled correctly.  Notably, this case suggests that
| they will not be.

"this case" ?  Can you detail?  I am not following.
| If someone was to upgrade R and (for the sake of the example) a rebuilt
| r-cran-logspline, what will ensure that the rest of the affected R
| packages are upgraded (or removed)?

They do not need to as this is NOT an API breakage.  See it rather as a
garden-variety bug on the part of R Core. "They" have an issue affecting a
subset of dyn.loaded modules (not all, just those using .C() or .Fortran())
where the now-required changes messes things up.

This only affects isolotated calls within a package, not across-package

It does not require 'dependent rebuilds' as it does not affect other

In sum, I am _really fairly certain_ that we "just" need these 40+ NMUs.
| In a regular ABI bump, everything is rebuilt against a new ABI package
| and the old one is (eventually) removed.  As I understand it, we are not
| doing that here (nor a variant of it), so you would have to use "Breaks"
| to ensure this property holds.  But while Breaks on binNMU versions is
| possible, it can give you headaches if binNMU versions are not in sync
| between architectures.

We _will_ need an ABI nump next spring when real internals change with R as
they gave two or three times in the 15+ years I maintained it.

Not this time.
|  * Once the above is clarified/resolved, then we can start binNMUs.


I can try to demonstrate the "no we don't" argument by trying to see if I can
recreate the initial bug report on spatial in a testing session, then reinstall
just that (R) package locally (directly from R) where it should work.  I
should have time for that later.  Let me know if it would help.
| > Setting severity to 'serious' which is what the one for r-base is tagged 
| > at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=861333
| > 
| Generally, most release.d.o bug does not use severity so it does not
| really affect anything (except it splits our bug ordering up, and
| somebody will probably show up and fix that eventually).

Ok. Feel free to set it back.  It was mostly a device to get your attention :)

Best,  Dirk

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | e...@debian.org

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