Control: tags -1 +upstream

Le lundi, 28 août 2017, 14.47:40 h CEST Christoph Pleger a écrit :
> I believe that I found a complete solution:
> What introduced the bug, is that httpAddrPort() from http-addr.c now 
> returns 0 in the case when connection type is AF_UNIX. That differs from 
> the cups version in jessie, where httpAddrPort returned 631 in that 
> case.

Right. This was changed for CUPS 2.2~ b1.

> As in my opinion, it makes sense to return 0 as port number in an 
> AF_UNIX connection, I did not change http-addr.c, but request.c so that 
> the port comparison is only relevant if the connection type is not 

Thank you for the patch. It seems, from what I understand, that this change 
could have unintended consequences outside of the scope of fixing your very 
bug; it also really looks like something I'd like upstream to vouch for.

Would you be interested to push a pull-request to upstream? It doesn't make a 
lot of sense for me to play proxy…

I'll happily backport whatever patch upstream has accepted!


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