Package: kernel

The current Debian kernels support the legacy vsyscall method. This can
be a security risk and is not needed within a modern system.

vsyscall was a method to map commonly used kernel functions into
application space to a fixed address. It has been replaced by the more
secure and flexible vdso mechanism.

vsyscall is problematic, because it maps code to a fixed address, thus
making ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) less effective. Due to
this vsyscall has been redesigned into an "emulated" mode (which is
what Debian's current kernels support) that reduces the amount of code
and thus the attack surface. But still it's some code mapped to a fixed
address and a legacy feature that shouldn't be needed any more.

Currently Debian kernels have the option
This should be disabled and instead
should be set.

Please note that this would still not remove the functionality, it
would just disable it by default. By passing vsyscall=emulate to the
boot command line users could still reactivate it. (By setting
CONFIG_X86_VSYSCALL_EMULATION=n alternatively it could also be disabled

Compatibility risks:

Modern glibc versions don't use vsyscall, so dynamic binaries won't be
affected by this change (unless you happen to try to run a very old
glibc version within a modern debian).
Users trying to run very old static binaries may be negatively
affected, as these may no longer run if they try to use vsyscall.

Given that the release of Debian Buster is still some time away I think
now would be a good time to implement such a change in unstable/testing,
making it likely that potential problems would be discovered long
before Buster gets released.

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