Package: installation-reports

Boot method: USB network install

Image version: Date: debian-9.1.0-amd64-netinst.iso

Machine: Acer Predator

Processor: Intel Core i7
Memory: 32gb

Partitions: Single partition on 1tb drive

Output of lspci -knn (or lspci -nn): System won't boot so I can't do this.

Base System Installation Checklist: E
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [O]
Detect network card:    [O]
Configure network:      [O]
Detect CD:              [ ]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O ]
Partition hard drives:  [O ]
Install base system:    [O ]
Clock/timezone setup:   [O ]
User/password setup:    [O ]
Install tasks:          [O ]
Install boot loader:    [O ]
Overall install:        [ E]

Screenshot of boot failure:

I don't know which of the errors are fatal.
* usb 1-4 device descriptor read/all, error -71
* Superblock last mount time is in the future.
* tpm [firmware bug] acpi region does not cover the entire
command/response buffer
* wifi firmware failed to load repeated many times.  (I don't have
wifi)  ethernet and it worked during install
* bluetooth hci0 firmware failed to load.  I don't care about
bluetooth.  Everything is wired.

Would appreciate which error(s) are fatal so I can try to address it.

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