Source: glassfish
Version: 2.1.1-b31g+dfsg1
Severity: normal
Usertags: default-java9

This package fails to build with default-jdk pointing to openjdk-9-jdk.
Please fix it, so that we can start the transition to Java 9.
The wiki has some common problems and their solutions:

This is probably only the first problem; glassfish is a complex piece of
software, and the version we have here is horribly outdated; 5.0 is
about to be released.

The offending class is fixed upstream, but I can't trace the history to
when it was actually fixed.

Build log:

 error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] import sun.misc.BASE64Decoder;
    [javac]                ^
    [javac]   symbol:   class BASE64Decoder
    [javac]   location: package sun.misc
 error: cannot find symbol
    [javac] import sun.misc.BASE64Encoder;
    [javac]                ^


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