Package: meson
Version: 0.42.1-1
File: /usr/share/meson/debcrossgen
Tags: patch
Usertags: rebootstrap

Hi Jussi,

Thanks for uploading debcrossgen. Unfortunately, the present debcrossgen
is not useable, because it hard codes a non-default gcc (-6). Such a gcc
is not installed by default.

I'm not sure why you felt the need to append a version, but my attached
patch supports your need by adding a --gccsuffix option to debcrossgen
while defaulting to an unversioned gcc as is expected by most Debian
packages. I also made it honour the environment variables CC and CXX by

I took some time looking into the cpu and cpu_family variables and am a
little confused what to put there. Experimentation with native meson
shows the following strange results:

debarch cpu     cpu_family
arm64   aarch64 aarch64
armel   arm     armv7l
i386    i686    x86
mips    mips64  mips64
mipsel  mips64  mips64
powerpc ppc64   ppc64
ppc64el ppc64le ppc64le
s390x   s390x   s390x

At least mips, mipsel and powerpc look strange. Since this looks like a
mess for the native case, I didn't try fixing debcrossgen.

I'm not sure why all the tools use absolute paths, but I implemented
that path lookup generically now. If it turns out to be unnecessary, you
can remove it.

Can you apply the attached patch?

diff --minimal -Nru meson-0.42.1/debian/debcrossgen meson-0.42.1/debian/debcrossgen
--- meson-0.42.1/debian/debcrossgen	2017-09-12 18:37:59.000000000 +0200
+++ meson-0.42.1/debian/debcrossgen	2017-09-13 18:43:19.000000000 +0200
@@ -28,14 +28,25 @@
 parser.add_argument('--arch', default=None,
                     help='The dpkg architecture to generate.')
+parser.add_argument('--gccsuffix', default="",
+                    help='A particular gcc version suffix if necessary.')
 parser.add_argument('-o', required=True, dest='outfile',
                     help='The output file.')
-def run(arch, ofilename):
-    if arch is None:
+def locate_path(program):
+    if os.path.isabs(program):
+        return program
+    for d in os.get_exec_path():
+        f = os.path.join(d, program)
+        if os.access(f, os.X_OK):
+            return f
+    raise ValueError("%s not found on $PATH" % program)
+def run(options):
+    if options.arch is None:
         cmd = ['dpkg-architecture']
-        cmd = ['dpkg-architecture', '-a' + arch]
+        cmd = ['dpkg-architecture', '-a' + options.arch]
     output = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True)
     data = {}
     for line in output.split('\n'):
@@ -49,22 +60,23 @@
     host_cpu_family = data['DEB_HOST_GNU_CPU']
     host_cpu = data['DEB_HOST_ARCH'] # Not really correct, should be arm7hlf etc but it is not exposed.
     host_endian = data['DEB_HOST_ARCH_ENDIAN']
-    ofile = open(ofilename, 'w')
-    ofile.write('[binaries]\n')
-    ofile.write("c = '/usr/bin/%s-gcc-6'\n" % host_arch)
-    ofile.write("cpp = '/usr/bin/%s-g++-6'\n" % host_arch)
-    ofile.write("ar = '/usr/bin/%s-ar'\n" % host_arch)
-    ofile.write("strip = '/usr/bin/%s-strip'\n" % host_arch)
-    ofile.write("pkgconfig = '/usr/bin/%s-pkg-config'\n" % host_arch)
-    ofile.write('\n[properties]\n')
-    ofile.write('\n[host_machine]\n')
-    ofile.write("system = '%s'\n" % host_os)
-    ofile.write("cpu_family = '%s'\n" % host_cpu_family)
-    ofile.write("cpu = '%s'\n" % host_cpu)
-    ofile.write("endian = '%s'\n" % host_endian)
-    ofile.close()
+    with open(options.outfile, "w") as ofile:
+        ofile.write('[binaries]\n')
+        c = os.environ.get("CC", "%s-gcc%s" % (host_arch, options.gccsuffix))
+        ofile.write("c = '%s'\n" % locate_path(c))
+        cpp = os.environ.get("CXX", "%s-g++%s" % (host_arch, options.gccsuffix))
+        ofile.write("cpp = '%s'\n" % locate_path(cpp))
+        ofile.write("ar = '%s'\n" % locate_path("%s-ar" % host_arch))
+        ofile.write("strip = '%s'\n" % locate_path("%s-strip" % host_arch))
+        ofile.write("pkgconfig = '%s'\n" % locate_path("%s-pkg-config" % host_arch))
+        ofile.write('\n[properties]\n')
+        ofile.write('\n[host_machine]\n')
+        ofile.write("system = '%s'\n" % host_os)
+        ofile.write("cpu_family = '%s'\n" % host_cpu_family)
+        ofile.write("cpu = '%s'\n" % host_cpu)
+        ofile.write("endian = '%s'\n" % host_endian)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
     options = parser.parse_args()
-    run(options.arch, options.outfile)
+    run(options)
     print('Remember to add the proper --libdir arg to Meson invocation.')

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