Hi Herbert,

thanks for your hints. Hopefully this time, I got all of them ;-) I have some 
questions related to some of your hints:

> There are some adjusts to do:
> debian/compat:
>     - instead of '9' put '10' (number only)
> debian/control:
>      - Build-Depends entry: python3-all-dev can be removed.
>        'cowbuilder' builds the package without it.
>      - lintian needs an update. You can put '4.1.0'.

I only found 4.0.1 (at 
https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.html). Are there 
any other sources to find the most recent standards 
version? However, I used 4.1.0 in my new upload.

>      - Testsuite can be removed. There is no 'debian/tests' dir.

I added the testsuite, because it should run the python tests included in 
pynmea2 sources. Did I understand testsuite the wrong way here? (Removed it in 
my upload)



>      - Architecture: should be 'all'. (any is for programs like C, C++)
>      - Depends entry: '${shlibs:Depends}' can be removed.
>      - Provides entry can be removed.
> debian/copyright:
>     - Debian entry is missing. The file should look like this:
>  Files: *
>  Copyright: (C) 2013-2017 Tom Flanagan <t...@zkpq.ca>
>  License: MIT
>  Files: debian/*
>  Copyright: 2017 Your-name-here <email@here.something>||
>  License: Choose-one (usually upstream choice)
>  License: MIT
>  Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
>  blababla
>  License: (If you choose something different add here)
>  blablabla
>  a copy of this software and associated documentation files
> debian/rules:
>     - I said about cleaning SOÛRCES.txt. You did right. But
>       I learned something that looks better. Instead of an
>       override_dh_auto_clean, 'egg-info' can be ignored if
>       we use 'debian/source/options' file. One line in the
>       file:
>         |
>          extend-diff-ignore="^[^/]+\.egg-info/"
> | 
>       Just in case, please see:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/debian-science/packages/python-meshio.git/t
> ree/debian/source/options
> That's it. Let me know when you when the package
> is ready.
> regards,
> Herbert

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